Banquets, Friends and Awkward Conversations

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We greeted people politely as Legolas lead me to the head table. Once we had sat at our allocated seats, Thranduil stood. The crowd fell silent, all eyes on their King.
"Tonight we celebrate the safe return of Prince Legolas to Eryn Lasgalen." He said clearly to the room. The elves in attendance clapped loudly as Thranduil paused in his speech.
"We also celebrate the engagement of My Son to Princess Callie of Gondor." Thranduil said as he picked up his cup, more clapping ensued.
"Please, dig in." He said taking a sip and sitting back into his seat. Chatter filled the hall quickly as the Elves picked at the food in front of them and conversed with their friends.
"Why do I feel like I've done something wrong." I whispered to Legolas next to me. Legolas put his hand on mine and squeezed it.
"You haven't, it is Adars speciality to make people feel like that." He whispered back before releasing my hand to start eating.
It was a lavish banquet. Rich and exotic foods that Thranduil had sourced.
Once everyone had had their fill, people started to mingle around instead of sitting at their seats. Many Elves came up and offered their congratulations to Legolas and I.
I honestly just wanted this to end soon so I could sit and watch the stars through the leafy canopy from the balcony in my room.
Thranduil stood and walked over to me.
"Will you accompany me for a short walk?" He asked politely but with no room to refuse. I pushed back my chair slightly and stood up.
"With pleasure, Your Highness." I said smiling politely.
Thranduil walked with his arms clasped behind his back and his head held high.
"Tell me of your upbringing." He said to me while looking straight ahead. We had left the Banquet Hall and were now walking through the passageways.
"I was raised by my mother, Queen Arwen for the most part. My father was off with the Dúnedain very often. When I was old enough, Lord Elrond saw to my education. He taught me for 200 years, 100 of those years was focused on healing. Lord Elrond discovered I had an affinity for it. My Father taught me use of weapons, sword, knife, bow and hand to hand combat whenever he returned. Lady Galadriel invited me to stay with her when I reached my 150th birthday. I stayed with her for 20 years, not very long as Lord Elrond called me back to continue my training." I said briefly describing my upbringing, leaving all escapades and adventures out.
Thranduil remained silent for a moment.
"And what, have you learnt about the ways of advising?" He asked me turning to face me, stopping the walk. His piercing gaze bore a hole in my head.
"Both Lord Elrond and my Father made sure I was well read and experienced in council meetings and advising senior leaders. I have attended all meetings Lord Elrond has since I matured. This included war, security, harvest, and any other less often meetings." I replied to Kind Thranduil, forcing myself to meet his eyes.
He once again didn't say anything to me but turned and started walking back towards the banquet. Before we entered he said one last thing.
"You make him happy. You happen to be the only Elf in middle earth with a bloodline good enough for Legolas." He said to me. He strode off into the hall back to his seat. I blinked in surprise and took a moment to gather my thoughts.
Legolas walked up to me as I made my way back into loud hall.
"What did he say? Is everything alright?" He asked me concerned, handing me a cup of elvish wine.
I smiled gratefully and took a sip from the cup.
"He asked me about my childhood and life in Imladris, about my education and experiences. Everything is fine. I will tell you what he said at a later time. There seems to be an important Elf behind you." I said to Legolas. Behind him stood a tall, official elf, waiting somewhat impatiently for Legolas to acknowledge him.
"Prince Legolas." The elf acknowledged bowing slightly to him. Legolas dipped his head in greeting.
"Lord Laston. I hope you have been well." Legolas said stiffly.
"Very well. My wife told me you never came to visit before you left. Faelel was most upset." He said with a conniving smirk.
Legolas bristled at his comments.
"As I told you before Lord Laston. I have no interest in keeping company with your daughter. You have some audacity to bring this up in front of my betrothed." He snapped at the Elf.
"You must humour me, Prince Legolas. I only want what's best for my dearest daughter." He said slyly.
A day. I've been here one day so far.
I stepped forward and held my hand out to the elvish lord.
"Mae govannen Lord Laston." I said to him snobbishly with a smile that never reached my eyes.
He took my hand gingerly and kissed it lightly.
"Mae govannen Princess." He said dropping my hand as it it hurt him. I made a show of wiping my hand on my dress before turning to Legolas.
"Meleth Nîn, I am tired, would you escort me to the rooms I've been provided?" I asked him with an air of displeasure. Legolas quickly agreed, spitting his goodbyes to the lord standing there angrily.
"My Lord, the king requests your presence." A server said to the frustrating lord as we departed.

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