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"Stiles! What the hell are you doing?" Scott asked, Stiles swung himself for effect as Scott stared wide-eyed at him,

"You weren't answering your phone! And why do you have a bat?" Stiles asked as he got off of Scott's roof, making a big thud as he did so,

"I thought you were a predator!" Scott still sounded freaked, Stiles shook his head, What was there to be afraid of? Stiles did not know and he wanted to find out,

"A pre-' He paused to laugh' Look man, I know it's late, but I overheard a dispatch call, and about twenty minutes ago my dad left, Every officer is to meet him in the woods," Stiles told him, Scott blinked, 

"For what?" Scott asked, "They found a body in the woods, exciting right?" Stiles grinned, 

"A dead body?" Scott asked dumbly causing Stiles to roll his eyes, 

"No, a living dead, yes dumbass, a dead body!" Stiles continued to be amazed at Scott who was barely catching on, 

"You mean murdered?" Scott asked, 

"Nobody knows yet till they investigate further, It was a girl, probably in her twenties," Stiles informed him, 

"Hold on, If they found her then why are they all still looking?" Scott asked and Stiles' grin widened, 

"That's the best part, they only found half, so we're going." Stiles insisted.

They parked by a sign that insisted on no trespassing but did they listen? No, Stiles was the first to get out of the blue jeep they had driven, Scott shortly followed and they began to enter the woods, 

"We're seriously doing this?" Scott asked, Stiles looked behind him, 

"You're the one who says nothing happens in this town, now something is, so yes we're doing this, continue this way." Stiles pointed straight ahead, Scott nodded, and they both got out their flashlights, 

"I was trying to have a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow," Scott said, 

"Yeah because sitting on the bench is such a hard task." Stiles chuckled, 

"I plan to play first this year," Scott assured him, 

"That's the spirit! Everyone should have a dream, Even if it's one that is unrealistic." Stiles told him, and they both continued in till Scott stopped in his tracks,

"Do you even know what part of the body we're looking for?" Scott asked, Stiles turned, 

"Hm, Didn't think of that," Stiles admitted and Scott's expression changed,

"And er If the killer is still out there?" Scott sounded frightened, 

"Uh Didn't think of that either," Stiles said as he strutted down a small hill, 

"It's oh so comforting that you planned this with your normal amount of attention to detail." Scott rolled his eyes as he stayed beside Stiles, 

"I know!" Stiles chuckled, Scott shook his head as he stopped to use his inhaler, 

"Maybe the asthmatic one should be the one holding the inhaler?" Scott asked, 

"Sh! My dad is right there, get down." Stiles whispered as he lowered himself, Scott followed along, 

"Scott? Did I just see you behind that hill?" The Sheriff yelled, Stiles urged him to show himself and Scott panicked and got up, 

"Yes sir?" Scott said nervously, 

"What in the name are you doing here? Stiles is here too right?" He asked shaking his head, Stiles moved down and ran, 

"No just me sir." Stiles heard Scott yell as he continued and tripped.

Stiles quickly got up and observed the area since he was far enough away from Scott, he felt bad for leaving Scott but he didn't want his dad to worry too much about him, the first thing he saw was a bunch of stags running towards him causing Stiles to fall and drop his flashlight, once they were gone, Stiles began to look for his flashlight but saw the half of the dead body his dad had been looking for, It was decomposing and it smelled even from where he was standing, surprised he backed up and fell down a hill, just before Stiles could logically make sense of what he had just seen he saw an animal pounce on him and bite him at his waist before scurrying away, Stiles shockingly got up and put his hand over the bite before sneaking over to his jeep to make it home.

When Stiles got home, he took the first aid kit he had made for the bathroom, took a rectangle bandage, and gently placed it on his waist, wincing while doing so, it looked horrid and bloody.

The next day~

"So Scott was wandering around in the woods last night, did you know that?" His dad questioned him, 

"Uh no I didn't, What was he doing?" Stiles asked, His dad raised an eyebrow, 

"I don't know, he said he was just getting some fresh air, Anyways I got to go to the station, Be good at school, no monkey business." His dad eyed him, 

"Yeah Dad, no monkey business." Stiles shook his head as he grabbed his bag and went out five minutes after his dad.

"Dud! Watch the paint job." Stiles heard Jackson say from across the parking lot, Stiles shook his head as he met up with Scott, 

"I can't believe you made me deal with your dad alone!" Scott shook his head, 

"Sorry man, I didn't want to worry him, That's really not important right now, I found the body," Stiles whispered, 

"Dude no way! Was it scary?" Scott asked, 

"Yeah but not really, but the interesting part is, I was trying to find my flashlight, which I did not find by the way, and just then some sort of wolf animal came out of nowhere and bit me," Stiles informed his friend, 

"No way! Are you okay? Where is it?" Scott asked curiously, and Stiles didn't blame him, Stiles lifted up his shirt and revealed a bandage, but Scott got how big it was, 

"Are you sure it was a wolf? Aren't there like no wolves in California?" Scott asked Stiles shrugged, 

"Apparently not, but I saw what I saw," Stiles said as they walked into the school and went to their lockers.

"As you all know there was a body found in the woods of our small town last night," Scott looked to Stiles who was grinning, 

"And before you all make various scenarios in your head, I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect so make sure you guys are all paying attention to the lesson, No need to be distracted, we clear?" Mr. Harris asked as the class nodded, Suddenly Stiles' attention was drawn to the ringing of a cell phone, he alerted his attention and looked around but no one seemed to be answering it.

A/N: I wrote this so long ago so please forgive me if it doesn't make sense, I have 27 chapters done I just don't know if I'm continuing, I wasn't going to bother publishing this but if anyone wants to finish it in their own words that would be fine by me, not that I'm expecting that of anyone, please don't hate me for publishing unfinished work I just liked how I did this.

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