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Stiles barely spent any time at home and he knew that was worrying his dad but he couldn't keep away from Derek, he was too drawn to him and he did not know why, was it because he was his alpha? Stiles knew he was probably annoying him but Derek showed no signs of annoyance or maybe he was missing it, he hoped not, he didn't know what he would do if Derek disliked him, god he hated how sappy his own thoughts sounded but he just could not help it,

Why did he feel like this? Derek really made him question everything, he never experienced anything like this before where he stayed up late thinking of someone, he didn't even do this when he once liked Lydia, he knew this was different, was he actually falling for Derek? Was this what love felt like? Stiles knew he admitted it to Scott already but now he was actually thinking about it and it made Stiles feel strange, Derek was now his Alpha, He shouldn't feel this way, Derek had been nice to him and here he was falling in love with him, how messed up was he?

"What has gotten you so lost in thought?" Danny asked him in the middle of class, "Are you good?"

"I'm fine," Stiles told him, "Just thinking about something," Stiles explained, he knew Danny would ask further questions, but Stiles somehow wanted that to be the case,

"Thinking about Derek?" Danny guessed, "Did you finally realize you like the guy?" Danny asked,

"How could you of possibly guessed that?" Stiles shook his head, "Are you some kind of mind reader,"

"It was just a really good guess," Danny chuckled, "It took you a while, I could tell you liked him a while ago, it was the way your eyes lit up, You know it's okay to like him, right?"

"He's my alpha," Stiles sighed, "I can't exactly confront it," Stiles shook his head lightly, "As much as I would like to,"

"He was your friend first," Danny told him, "You should tell him how you feel," Danny smiled at him, 

"I can't," Stiles looked down, "At least not yet," Stiles whispered, "Keep this to yourself, I don't need the others letting it slip to Derek,"

"Don't worry, My lips are sealed," Danny told him, "I'm here whenever you need to talk," Danny smiled and Stiles could not help but smile back.

"Jackson," Derek announced, "How well are your lacrosse skills?" Derek asked, Stiles leaned against the building and watched the scene in front of him play out,

"I'd say pretty good," Jackson answered, and before Jackson could say any more Derek threw a ball full strength in his direction which Jackson did not catch, "What the hell?" Jackson said back,

"You got to have good reflexes," Derek told him as he threw yet another ball but this time Jackson caught it with ease, "Now that's better," Derek praised,

Stiles watched as they continued to train, he could not keep his eyes away from Derek as much as he tried, he knew it was dumb but he could not tear his eyes away from Derek's arm flexing, Stiles could not help but admire how fit Derek was and he hoped he was not being too obvious.

"We should have a pack meeting to see how everyone is feeling," Stiles suggested, "I also just think it'll be fun," Stiles relaxed in his chair,

"I assume you want to add Danny, Scott, Allison, and Lydia, Right?" Derek asked, "I guess that is fine," Derek told him, 

"I mean, The more people we have in the pack the stronger we will be as a whole," Stiles leaned forward in his chair, 

"I agree," Derek lightly smiled that type of smile that put butterflies in his stomach, "What day do you say would work best?"

"Saturday," Stiles told him, "I'll have to talk to them at lunch tomorrow," Stiles explained, "You'll get to witness how much Jackson and Scott hate each other,"

"Lovely," Derek rolled his eyes, "When did I suddenly become surrounded by teenagers?"

"I guess that is the downside of hanging out with me," Stiles chuckled nervously, "But hopefully the only downside," Stiles winked, he probably looked so dumb,

"I guess I can live with that," Derek sighed as he got up from where he was sitting, "It's getting late, You should head home," Derek looked sad but Stiles figured he was seeing things,

"I guess you're right," Stiles sighed as he got up and grabbed his bags, "I'll make sure to annoy you some more tomorrow," Stiles winked and left before Derek could respond.

Stiles lay in his bed, his thoughts overtaking him once again, How was he going to control his feelings? Stiles sighed heavily, he needed to keep them in check he was not ready to ruin a friendship that barely had begun but how was he going to do so when his thoughts were always so heavy when he was next to the man?

A/N: Thank you for reading!!

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