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Deaton's POV

Deaton shook his head at Stiles, Derek wasn't just Stiles' anchor, Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski were mates, true mates, they were rare, Deaton decided it was best to just let them figure it out themselves, The difference between an anchor and a mate is that if Derek had died it wouldn't be like a part of the boy was missing, it'd be normal, he would just find another anchor, and Deaton saw Stiles in a distance when Derek was hurt, he was devasted, the signs were there, Deaton had also seen Derek get up and he was also the one to patch him up.


Deaton watched as Stiles ran into the school, he was tempted to just call the cops but he waited, around twenty minutes later Deaton heard a gasp and a cough, Derek was alright, Deaton debated for a hot minute before venturing out and helping Derek to his clinic.

"Why did you help me?" Derek asked and Derek was not looking him in the eye,

"Because I'm a nice guy," Deaton said as he handed Derek water,

"Thanks, Do you know if Stiles is alright?" Derek asked, Derek was very worried and Deaton could not blame him,

"He's still at the school, he'll be fine, you need to focus on healing," Deaton told him,

"Scott should have just gone home." Derek shook his head, Deaton held back a chuckle,

"That's Scott for you." Deaton shrugged, What was Derek expecting?

"We could've had him," Derek whispered, Derek seemed resentful,

"Yeah but what if he killed the both of you?" Deaton asked, "Or Stiles alone?" Deaton eyed the man,

"I wouldn't have let it happen," Derek said simply,

"There is no say on what would've happened, You both are gonna survive, Stiles won't get harmed, the alpha knew he didn't kill you, and he won't do it so fast like that," Deaton told him, Derek nodded as Deaton treated the rest of his wounds, Derek apologized for the accusing as he left.

Stiles' POV

Derek Hale was Stiles' anchor, That was a lot to process, but it made sense though, It felt like home when he was with him and he felt safe, he shook his head as he focussed on getting to Derek's, but surely Derek would've told him, right?

When Stiles walked in he immediately smelled him, "Derek?" Stiles called out, Just then he saw the man walk out, Stiles gasped as he looked over at Derek who seemed fine, "W-why didn't you tell me?" Stiles stammered,

"I was healing," Derek whispered, Stiles wanted to both hug and kick Derek he didn't know which would come first,

"And? I have been mourning you this past weekend! I thought you were gone." Stiles whispered,

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you," Derek told him,

"You worried me anyhow! The alpha got away again by the way, but he killed the janitor in the process." Stiles told him,

"Why aren't you madder?" Derek asked and Stiles walked over to him, Stiles wanted to hug him but he didn't want to be weird about this,

"Because I am glad you are okay more than I'm angry that you kept this a secret," Stiles told him,

"Okay, well I'm glad you are okay too," Derek told him, Stiles nodded,

"Hey, did you know that Scott is being a dumbass and thinking you were behind that night?" Stiles chuckled,

"What? why? I've done nothing to him." Derek shook his head,

"Yeah, I know! I have tried to convince him but he won't budge." Stiles smirked,

"Well isn't that great?" Derek shook his head some more,

"Yeah, and Derek?" Stiles asked, Derek nodded, "I am really glad you are okay, I don't think I could handle being this if it weren't for you." Stiles smiled,

"Same here, I mean, getting through this whole thing without breaking, with the whole Laura thing, You have kept me calm." Derek had a starting of a smile on his face,

"I'm glad I could be of service." Stiles bowed, Derek chuckled which just caused Stiles to smile brighter, "I should probably get going." Stiles sighed, Derek nodded and walked him out, Stiles wanted to stay but he knew he couldn't.

Stiles' night just got a lot better, Derek was alive, Which meant He and Derek had a chance to get to know each other more without only defeating the alpha together because he didn't fully know Derek, only that he lost his family and was also a werewolf, he felt like they were more comfortable with each other but why was that when they knew little to nothing about each other?

Stiles sat back on his bed, How were they going to defeat the alpha? They still hadn't actually seen who he was, although Stiles did think it was Peter, The guy did have the motive, he had lost both his family and the starting of his family, and he could be using that anger to do all of this, but why kill his own niece? He knew that needed to be brought up to Derek but how could he? Peter was his uncle, Derek had already gone through so much and Stiles wasn't sure how much more he could handle, Why had Stiles had to feel this way for Derek when in reality Derek had only been teaching him, he was screwed.

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