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"Stiles? Why are taking me here?" His dad asked, His dad seemed so afraid, he wanted to know what was going on,

"I think I saw something hang on," Stiles said as he walked down the bus,

"I don't think there's anything there." His dad said, Stiles put out his finger and looked over, A minute later Stiles was an inch away from his dad,

"Stiles? W-why are your e-eyes yellow?" His dad asked, Stiles' heart started pacing as he ran to his dad and attacked him.

End of dream-

"Stiles!" Scott called over to him, Stiles wiped his eyes and met up with Scott,

"You and Derek still hanging out?" Scott asked, Stiles shrugged,

He couldn't focus because the dream he had was so vivid and felt so real, he already called his dad and made sure he was okay, but Stiles still could feel his heart racing, he woke up with muddy jeans and a bloody shirt, what could that mean? He shook his head as he followed Scott inside, he needed to stay focused.

"Attention Students, this is your principal, As you are all aware, there was an attack on one of our buses last night, We know you all are very concerned but classes will go on as scheduled." The principal announced and Stiles could hear disagreement all over, and Stiles' stomach curled.

"Woah dude, what do you think that could be about?" Scott asked, Stiles looked down,

"I don't know, maybe it's the same thing as what killed Laura," Stiles suggested, Why would he bring that up to Scott? What was he thinking?

"Stilinski? Perhaps you should quiet down, maybe you and McCall could value some time apart?" The teacher suggested,

"No." Stiles shook his head as the teacher motioned for them to separate, Stiles groaned and followed his instructions, maybe this could help Stiles think about last night.

At lunch, Jackson, Allison who sat with Scott, Lydia, and Danny sat with them,

"Hey, what do you guys think attacked the bus?" Jackson asked, Stiles just wanted all the questioning to stop,

"Ugh, Why are you here?" Scott mumbled, Scott looked incredibly annoyed,

"Maybe because I'm friends with Stilinski?" Jackson rolled his eyes, Stiles lightly chuckled, He kind of loved the sass,

"Do you believe it is an animal? Aren't animals supposed to be nice?" Lydia asked,

"No idea, I'll check in with my dad later," Stiles said,

"Must be nice having your dad as the sheriff, huh?" Danny smirked, and Stiles nodded, Stiles could see that Scott was upset with the seating plan as he talked with Allison, he just shrugged as the three of them continued to talk.

While all six of them stayed at the lunch table Stiles pulled out his phone and put on the news because he just had to know what was going on,

"The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details, but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack, Meyers was taken to a hospital and is being treated as required." The reporter announced and Stiles turned his phone off,

"Hey, that was my bus driver back when I lived with my dad." Scott frowned, How was he important to anything? Stiles had no idea who that man was,

"So Scott, Allison tells me you guys are hanging out tonight," Lydia said, Scott nodded in agreement,

"So what are we doing?" Lydia asked, Lydia looked around the table, and Stiles could see that Jackson looked annoyed as if he knew what the girl was talking about,

"We?" Scott sounded confused, Stiles watched as Scott started to look annoyed too and confused mixed into his expression, Stiles was just hoping he was not involved,

"Yeah, you, Allison, me, and Jackson," Lydia asked, Scott looked over to Allison who shrugged,

"Do you want to?" Scott asked, Scott seemed like he really wanted Allison to say no but she didn't look opposed whatsoever,

"Sure, sounds fun." Allison shrugged, Scott shook his head lightly, Lydia had a huge smile on her face,

"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself with this fork." Jackson rolled his eyes, Stiles laughed while Scott gave him the stink eye,

"Oh, we should go bowling!" Lydia suggested that as if it was the best idea she could have ever come up with,

"Oh, you good at bowling, McCall?" Jackson asked, The competitive tone was strong, 

"Yeah, I'm a great bowler," Scott answered as the bell rang, Stiles walked with Scott to class,

"You are a horrible bowler," Stiles told him, Why did Scott put himself into these types of situations?

"I know." Scott sighed, Stiles shook his head, and in the back of his head, he felt more questions arise from the bus dream.

"So you think you were a part of the bus mishap?" Derek asked as Stiles nodded slowly, he just couldn't shake the feeling, he was hoping Derek would have the answers,

"Yes, but in my dream, I attacked my dad, It felt real but I checked up on him the second I woke up, and then I found out what happened to that driver, I had blood on my shirt and it smelt exactly like his, you didn't happen to be there were you?" Stiles asked, Stiles was slightly nervous,

"No, the alpha must have controlled you, because you are a part of his pack, he can make you do whatever he wants, The easiest way you can find your memories of last night is to go to the bus and just let your senses control you, better to do it tonight so you don't drag attention to yourself," Derek told him,

"Okay, sounds like fun, hey, once you become alpha, will I be a part of your pack?" Stiles asked, He hoped the answer would be yes,

"I don't have a pack but possibly, I already told you that you could become the alpha, It all depends on who takes the last punch, okay?" Derek eyed him, Stiles wanted it to be Derek, 

"Yeah, I understand, You should come with me, just in case the alpha pops out of hiding," Stiles suggested, It was better for there to be two of them, it was best to outnumber the alpha,

"Fine." Derek agreed, Stiles nodded and began to look around Derek's loft, it was almost cozy if it wasn't for the dust,

"This must have been a nice place." Stiles sighed, Stiles wanted to know what it looked like before the fire,

"Yeah, it was." Derek agreed, Stiles knew it must be hard to live here, Stiles remembered what it felt like when his mom died, he wished he could take away Derek's sadness but he had no idea how,

"Do you know who did this?" Stiles asked, who could be responsible for something as vile as this?

"Yes, A bunch of hunters like I explained yesterday ." Derek looked down, Stiles nodded, he was starting to really despise hunters,

"Remind me to stay away from hunters." Stiles shook his head, he had a feeling if he was ever around them he was going to rip their heads off,

"Allison's family is one of them," Derek mentioned, Stiles clenched his fists out of Derek's sight,

"The new girl?" Stiles asked and Stiles did not want that to be true, she seemed so nice,

"Yes, they have codes but some of them just decided to kill off an innocent family for fun." Derek snarled, Stiles nodded, not wanting to keep the topic going,

"I'll come back around 8, okay?" Stiles suggested and Derek nodded, "Sorry about bringing that up." Stiles said before exiting, he had to get his sudden anger under control.

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