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"Stiles! What the hell was that!" Scott freaked, Stiles could barely move but he knew he needed to,

"I can't tell you, now Help me block the door," Stiles said as he went to the office and grabbed a chair, Scott was behind him, all Stiles could do right now was block the door, not that that would help,

"Okay now let's run," Stiles murmured as he began to run, Scott was as confused as ever but did as he was told, Stiles didn't care if Scott was scared of him, they had bigger things to worry about.

Once they were both securely in the locker room, Stiles sighed, he wanted to turn back time, if only that were on the list of possibilities,

"Now can you please just tell me what that thing that killed Derek was?" Scott asked, Stiles could not do this right now,

"No, I can't, that'll put you in danger." Stiles sighed again, he had hoped Scott would drop it but he knew that was not possible,

"But I'm already in danger," Scott said, Stiles sighed,

"Look, Derek died, And I don't know how to think about that right now, Right now, we need to stay in here, and make sure that thing doesn't get to us and kill us like he did D-Derek." Stiles stammered the last word Because he honestly was in shock, The guy he was falling for slowly, was ripped away from him before he could even figure his feelings out,

"Okay, but what if he finds us?" Scott asked, Stiles shook his head, 

"We run, we go to the next classroom we can find," Stiles instructed,

"I may have told Allison where we were," Scott whispered,

"You what?!" Stiles freaked, This was not good, he couldn't protect two people on his own,

"I didn't know we were in danger, I thought you told me to go inside because you wanted to speak with Derek, I didn't think, and now they're on their way," Scott told him in a panicked voice,

"What do you mean they?" Stiles asked, This just kept getting worse, 

"Allison was with Jackson and Lydia and they're her ride so.." Scott trailed off,

"Tell them to turn around." Stiles simply said, Scott pulled out his phone and dialed them,

"Hey Allison, change of plans, You need to turn around," Scott told her,

"What? Why? What's going on?" Allison asked, She sounded worried,

"Yeah, McCall? Why can't we come?" Jackson asked as Stiles pulled the phone away from Scott,

"Look we have no time to explain, just don't come to the school." Stiles said sternly while hanging up the phone, "God, I hope they listen." Stiles said and Scott shrugged,

"Why don't we just call your dad?" Scott asked,

"Because I am not dragging him into this." Stiles informed him, and Scott huffed, A second later Stiles heard the lockers move, "GO!" Stiles yelled as he ran out of the room and swerved down the hall, not having time to check if Scott was behind him.

"Scott?" Stiles heard Allison call for him, Stiles looked over and saw that Scott wasn't next to him,

"Allison? I thought I told you not to come?" Stiles asked as he approached her,

"Sorry Stilinski, but I don't listen to McCall, If you said it first maybe I would've," Jackson smirked,

"You guys don't understand, you can't be here," Stiles stressed, now he had to protect four people, he definitely wasn't cut out for this,

"And why exactly is that?" Allison asked, could they not get the hint?

"Just don't worry about it, Just let me find Scott and you all can go." Stiles looked around, and started looking in every classroom,

"Scott's missing?" Lydia asked,

"Briefly." Stiles answered Them but Jackson looked freaked, Stiles went back to the locker room, "Scott?" Stiles lightly yelled out, Stiles heard a wrestle of the lockers and looked to see the alpha grinning at him, "GO!" Stiles pointed in the direction of the doors, he should've known that Alpha would still be there, but where was Scott?

"Stiles?" Stiles heard Scott say as they all got into the class, Stiles nodded to him, "I guess they didn't listen." Scott smirked as Stiles began to block the door,

"Can you two idiots want to explain to us what the hell is going on?" Jackson ordered,

"Stiles won't tell me, all I know is that something killed Derek Hale outside of the school," Scott answered,

"Derek Hale's body isn't outside," Allison whispered, Stiles' eyes widened,

"Are you sure?" Stiles asked and she nodded, Had he made it out okay? Stiles knew it was a bad idea to get his hopes but how could he not?

"Dude, what if Derek is the one chasing us? It makes sense, he was already wanted for murder." Scott suggested, Stiles shook his head,

"It isn't him," Stiles told them, but he knew none of them was going to believe him,

"How can you be so sure? You've been practically in love with him this entire week, how do you know he isn't the one who is scaring us? He probably used you." Scott said sourly, Stiles could feel his heart begin to race but breathed,

"Look, Scott, I know exactly who is doing this, Okay? and it isn't Derek, You barely know him." Stiles murmured,

"And you do? You've only been hanging out with him for a week." Scott smirked,

"Yeah, I know that a girl he thought he could trust used him and burned his entire family down, except for his uncle who is totally unaware of anything, I know that he is shy and sour when you first meet him, I know him a lot more than you think," Stiles informed him,

"That is just facts that are in a file." Scott pointed out,

"And? He shared that with me, what is your problem with him?" Stiles asked,

"You've been spending all your time with him, he probably brainwashed you." Scott shook his head,

"So? And you haven't been with Allison this entire week? I've never complained so what gives you the right? We don't have time for this, just drop this, I need to think of a plan." Stiles murmured, Scott nodded sourly.

Stiles shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair, What now? The alpha was here and had killed Derek, Did that mean that the alpha wasn't Peter Hale? But Peter knew that Stiles was on his trial, so by killing Derek, Stiles wouldn't suspect him, it was smart but didn't make Stiles want to cross him off his short but real list, He needed a plan.

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