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"Hey! You kids, what are you doing here?" Stiles jolted as the janitor walked in, "Whatever it doesn't matter, get out of here." The janitor pointed to the door, Scott was looking at Stiles who nodded and went to follow, Just as they were about to leave the janitor was dragged out of the room screaming, Blood poured onto the door,

"What the hell just happened?" Lydia asked,

"Yeah, Stiles, you seem to be the only one here who seems to have any clue why this is happening," Scott stated,

"The person who killed Derek's sister, the bus driver, and the video clerk, is here chasing us, It was only supposed to be me and Derek here," Stiles explained,

"Wait, You planned this? What the hell is going on with you? Ever since you've been bitten, you've been better at lacrosse, faster, and well, just different." Scott told him,

"Wait, you were bitten? By what? That mountain lion we saw?" Lydia asked,

"Yes, but it healed, I'm fine," Stiles answered,

"What do you mean healed? It only happened a week ago, that type of bite would at least take a month, show me." Scott gestured to Stiles' shirt,

Stiles sighed and lifted up his shirt to reveal the abs he developed, and no bite, "What the hell? And since when do you have abs?" Scott was confused,

"It doesn't matter, we need to get out of here before that thing finds us." Stiles instructed, Scott nodded and they all ran to the nearest exit which was locked, "Just great." Stiles whispered.

Stiles began to think of his options, He needed to make the alpha leave, he didn't need his friends getting hurt, He needed to call his dad if the alpha saw cops, he was sure to leave, there was a dead body here, they could say they were here because of a dare and witnessed something that was unclear kill the janitor, it sounded crazy but it was the best shot they had at survival.

"Okay, I'm calling my dad," Stiles announced, They all paused and turned,

"I thought you said you didn't want to worry your dad?" Scott said,

"There is a dead body, I kind of have to now, if we don't and someone else does, they will check the cameras," Stiles said and they all nodded, Scott nodded as he comforted Allison who had been quiet this whole time.

"Hey, Dad? We have a situation at the school and you need to get here now." Stiles said over the phone, his dad agreed and was on the way.

"So now while we wait here in this closet, how are sure that this thing isn't Derek? His body disappeared Stiles." Scott said,

"This again? It wasn't Derek, Okay? He was here with me to get that thing, it backfired, Derek isn't a bad guy." Stiles said,

"Stiles, you are just saying that and why would you get that thing? why not just call your dad? Did Derek tell you not to call the cops? He could've had a plan to kill you, he could've faked his death because he saw me and saw complications." Scott said,

"Oh my god, Derek is a good guy, alright? He would never kill innocent people, that thing is not him, so drop it, we need to wait for the police." Stiles said, he couldn't reason with him, he couldn't get too worked up, not in front of his friends who were already frightened enough for one day.

"Dad!" Stiles waved over to his dad as they left the school,

"Hey, What happened?" his dad asked, concern was all over his face,

"Well, I and my friends were here because of a dare to see who could last the longest at school but then some kind of mountain lion was here and killed the janitor," Stiles explained, His dad nodded as he walked into the school,

"Why didn't you tell him about your boyfriend?" Scott asked and Stiles wanted to throw Scott off a cliff,

"Because his body isn't here." Stiles shook his head, "And he was just my friend." Stiles said as he walked to his jeep.

His dad questioned them all and excused them, Stiles told his dad that he'd be back later and headed for the woods, He needed to be alone, Scott suspected Derek, how could he logically think it was him? What has Derek ever done to Scott? Nothing, Derek had helped Stiles get through this, and now he was alone, he had to figure out a way to defeat the alpha alone, how was he supposed to do that? He didn't know, But why was Derek's body gone? Was he healed? Stiles hoped so, but he knew he was just getting his hopes up.

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