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"This is awesome," That was the first thing Jackson said as he let Stiles and Derek into his room, "I can see how you got so good at lacrosse,"

"So I take it the bite worked," Stiles looked at Derek who was busy rolling his eyes, "Good news, Peter gave Derek his Alpha status and is part of our pack,"

"The guy who bit me?" Jackson asked, "I thought he was bad," Jackson raised an eyebrow, "Are we sure we should trust him?"

"He gave me the alpha power and apologized," Derek explained, "He only wanted the title to get revenge on my family,"

"So all the people he killed were part of the Hale fire?" Jackson asked as Derek nodded, "Shit, Sorry man, that must have been hard for you," He sympathized,

"It's fine," Derek sighed, "We are here to discuss training," Derek got to the point, "I've already been training Stiles but now there's you, Would every day after lacrosse practices work for you?"

"Sure man," Jackson nodded, "I assume we are doing it in the woods by your place?" Jackson asked, 

"Yep," Stiles answered for him, "Is Lydia okay?" Stiles just had to ask, Jackson met his gaze,

"She's shaken up but she is handling it pretty well," Jackson nodded to him, "We may have to fill her in fully because Danny knows so now she is the only one out of the loop,"

"How does he know?" Stiles asked, Stiles sighed, at this point the question seemed to be who doesn't know?

"He saw you in the field," Jackson answered, "He seemed to think it was cool," Jackson laughed and Stiles couldn't help but follow suit, Derek shook his head in response,

"That does not surprise me," Stiles chuckled more, "So now that leaves Lydia,"

"And Allison," Jackson said but Derek and Stiles just looked at each other briefly, "What? Am I missing something?"

"Allison's family are hunters, there's no way she doesn't know," Derek told him, "I'm not sure what side she is on but she definitely knows or at least her dad will tell her by himself,"

"But if we tell her she could be on our side," Stiles looked at Derek, "If she doesn't already know,"

"That is a good idea," Jackson agreed, "But how do we figure out if she knows?" Jackson asked, 

"You guys should swiftly talk about everything when she's in next during lunch," Derek told them, "Her aunt died so I doubt she'll be at school for a while," He explained,

"That probably means she already knows," Stiles sighed, "When Kate died her father could have used that as a way to get revenge, as far as I know, she admired that woman," Stiles rolled his eyes,

"She could want revenge," Jackson said, Shit, he was right, Stiles thought, Now they possibly had another issue to deal with,

"I guess we know what happens next," Derek looked at Stiles possibly referring to their conversation yesterday, "You two still need to find out when she does return," Derek looked between them as they nodded.

It took a day for Allison to return to school and as far as he and Jackson could tell, she didn't look angry or even there, It seemed like she took the news pretty hard but she wasn't in for revenge but that could mean that she was busy plotting and did not want to reveal her motives.

"So the formal was crazy," Jackson started the conversation, "Fun but bizarre," Jackson and Stiles both looked around the table all while keeping a close eye on Allison's reaction,

"I was just about to say the same thing," Stiles continued the conversation, "How did everyone else find the formal?"

"It was wild," Scott told them but did not know what they were doing, Stiles was not able to get him alone long enough to explain,

"I hope next month isn't like this," Danny shook his head, "That was too much crazy for one night,"

"I was the one who almost got killed, I'd say it was torture," Lydia rolled her eyes, they already had the conversation with her which went surprisingly well,

"I can't believe Peter did that," Allison sighed and they all looked at her, "What? I know everything, Scott explained about werewolves and then my dad did but differently,"

"And?" Stiles asked, "Who's side are you on?" Stiles just had to know, The table now grew tense as they waited for an answer,

"Yours, Obviously," Allison rolled her eyes, "Scott convinced me that what Kate did was wrong, I don't want to go down that road,"

"Thank god," Stiles shook his head in relief, "I did not want to have to fight you," Stiles was happy with how everything was turning out.

"Everything is going too well," Stiles sighed as he walked into Derek's house, "She is with us,"

"I'm glad," Derek responded, "I did not want to have to deal with another Argent," Derek sat down in his chair as Stiles sat down on the couch,

"Me neither," Stiles agreed, "Scott was the one who told her," Stiles explained, "Apparently her dad did too but Scott convinced her, Ah, what powerful love they have," Stiles could not help but chuckle, 

"At least it worked in our favor," Derek told him, "You know I'm okay, right? I know you are coming by to check on me but I'm fine, I know you got a life out of this,"

"Nu-uh man, This is my whole life," Stiles did not care how sappy that sounded, "Don't lie and say you don't miss me when I'm gone," Stiles could not help the smirk that came across his features,

"I would not say such a thing," Derek laughed, "I do like your company," Derek confessed, 

"I'm touched," Stiles smiled brightly and couldn't stop the warm feeling he had in his stomach, he loved how close they had gotten.

A/N: Hopefully I'm not making them too unrealistic, I'm trying.

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