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"Mom, You don't need to call me three times on my first day, I'll be fine." Stiles attention is drawn to a girl outside,

"Everything except a pen, Yeah I know I should have packed one." The girl was rummaging through her bag, "Okay Okay, I gotta go, Love you." The girl hung up and entered the school.

Soon enough the girl entered, "Class, This is Allison Argent, Let's make her feel welcomed, alright?" The principal said beside her before exiting, She walked and took a seat behind Scott, Stiles quickly pulled out his phone and texted Scott to give her a pen, he looked confused but did as Stiles told him, "Thanks." Allison said surprised, Scott smiled. (Of course, Stiles is his wingman...)

"Dude, How in the hell did you know that she needed a pen?" Scott came up behind Stiles,

"I heard her from outside, I don't know how." Stiles shrugged, Scott shook his head in amazement as Stiles saw Scott directed his attention to Allison, who was being greeted by Lydia Martin,

"Where'd you get that jacket? It is totally killer." Stiles heard Lydia ask, "My mom is a buyer in San Francisco." Allison answered.

"Okay so she is here a day and she is already hanging out with the popular girl?" A random girl shakes her head, Stiles directs his attention to Scott who of course is still staring,

"You got a crush!" Stiles teased,

"U-Uh N-no I d-don't" Scott stammered, Stiles shook his head, Stiles heard Lydia mention a party to Allison along with Jackson but just Followed Scott to practice.

"You still want to play the first line?" Stiles asked,

"Yeah, of course," Scott answered, Looking confused,

"Then who I am going to chat with on the bench? " Stiles said confidently, Scott sighed, Stiles looked over to the benches and saw Lydia guide Allison to a seat, Being the amazing friend he is he elbowed Scott who immediately smiled,

"McCall!" Coach called, "Yeah Coach?" Scott urgently said,

"You are in goal." The coach informed him as he got up,

"But I've never played." Scott was confused but all the same excited, Stiles could sense it, "It's the only goal, let's see how you do." The coach insisted, Scott nodded and grinned at Stiles before running to the goal,

Stiles could see that the whole team was surprised, Just then Stiles' focus was interrupted by a whistle, his ears were ringing and immediately Stiles covered them, he shook his head and directed his attention to his friend who was completely sucking as if the torture of the whistle wasn't enough he saw a ball coming his way, he blinked and felt the ball appear in his hands, he looked shocked, he didn't even know he could catch a ball,

"Blinski, take over on goal." The coach yelled, Stiles blinked some more and nodded.

It was surreal to Stiles that he was catching every ball that was coming his way, he hadn't missed one so far,

"Keep that up and you might just make the first line!" The Coach yelled excitedly, Stiles nodded and he continued, the whole team looked shocked, especially Scott, This was not how he imagined practice would go.

In the woods-

"I don't know what that was, it was like my body had a mind of its own!." Stiles grinned,

"So much for me being the first line," Scott mumbled, clearly disappointed with how things had turned out,

"Woah dude, I'm sorry I know how much you wanted this, I honestly didn't even try to catch the ball, it was pure luck" Stiles shrugged,

"Yeah I know, It's good, I'm happy for you, now Lydia will know who you are." Scott smiled,

"Naw man, That really was more of an admiration, I'm totally over that now," Stiles assured him,

"Woah, I never thought I'd hear those words." Scott was shocked, Stiles nodded,

"Now let's concentrate, my flashlight is over here somewhere." Stiles points straight ahead, and Scott nodded, and they both stopped and started looking,

"You know what I find weird?" Stiles asked,

"The fact that you are suddenly a pro at lacrosse?" Scott asked,

"Well that, but like ever since last night I have been feeling really strange, I can hear a lot more, stuff I shouldn't be, and I can play, What is happening to me? Is this puberty?" Stiles asked,

"There is no way puberty does that, didn't you already go through puberty?" Scott asked, Stiles shrugged, as he kept thinking about the possible answers to his nonstop questions.

Stiles heard a noise in the distance and turned, he saw an older man watching them, he nudged Scott who got up from the ground,

"What are you doing here? This is private property!" The man said angrily,

"Uh, sorry man, we didn't know, Me and my friend were looking for my flashlight." Stiles scratched the back of his head,

The man nodded with the same grumped face and passed Stiles the flashlight he had been looking for,

"Thanks," Stiles told the man as he turned and walked away, Stiles suddenly caught a sniff of the air and smelled some sort of familiarity(Not of who he was but that he smelled similar to him in a way.), he turned to Scott as he remembered who that man was,

"Dude! That was Derek Hale, He's just a few years older than us!" Stiles nudged him,

"And?" Scott asked,

"Don't you remember? His family burned in the fire a couple of years ago, I remember because I was in the station when it happened, the whole team went out." Stiles informed him, Scott nodded,

"I got to go to work, see you later?" Scott asked, Stiles nodded as they both ran out of the woods and parted ways.

Stiles mentally noted that he could run faster as well, he was definitely searching the web tonight.

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