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"Hey, Mrs. Martin? Is Lydia home?" Stiles asked, Mrs. Martin, eyed them both and nodded letting them in,

"And who do I say is here?" She asked, Stiles hoped this wouldn't be too weird,

"Stiles," Stiles answered, She nodded, and Derek followed them up, 

"And who is he?" She asked looking over to Derek, Derek looked uncomfortable and Stiles could not blame him,

"I'm Derek, Stiles' friend." He told her, she nodded and opened Lydia's door, Lydia looked up,

"Stiles and his friend Derek are here to see you." She announced to her daughter who was playing with her hair,

"Ou, you're the guy who we sat with at lunch right? The good lacrosse player?" She asked,

"Yep, that would be me." He nodded walking in as her mother shut the door, "How are you feeling?" Stiles asked,

"Fine." She answered,

"Sorry to just get down to the chase, but what did you see last night?" Stiles asked,

"I saw- I saw, A mountain lion." She answered,

"Are you sure?" Stiles asked,

"Maybe?" She shrugged as her phone went off, Stiles handed her phone but she was passed out, Stiles opened her phone to see who it was when a video popped up,

"That's him." Stiles turned the phone to Derek who nodded,

"What do we do?" Stiles asked, hoping Derek would know what to do because he sure didn't,

"Leave it, once she is more aware she will remember taking that video," Derek informed him, Stiles nodded as he put the phone back, and left.

Stiles and Derek got back to his loft, Derek stopped dead in his tracks and told Stiles to go, Stiles looked worried but Derek was already gone, Stiles walked closer and waited in till he heard Kate talk.

"900, 000 volts, hmm, that sure is a lot, You never were good with electricity, or with fire, ou that was fun, I'm sorry about your sister though, you know it was the alpha, don't you? Of course, you do, oh and it was smart getting Stiles to crash Scott's study date with my niece, he isn't around is he?" Kate chuckled, Stiles heard Derek growl,

"You leave him out of whatever this is." Derek snarled, Stiles wanted to join and kick her ass but Stiles knew that it wasn't his fight as much as he wanted to show her whose boss,

"Oh Sweetie, You know him being around you is dangerous, I know you care about him but you and I both know what will end up happening, so I wouldn't get attached." Kate chuckled,

"What do you want?" Derek asked Derek sounded unsettled as he was also breathing hard,

"Oh nothing, just came to say hi," Kate said, Stiles heard Derek get up and run, and Stiles met up with him.

"You know you can't listen to her right?" Stiles asked, he hoped Derek would understand what he was saying,

"I know, but she is right." Derek sighed, Stiles frowned, Derek deserved so much better,

"Nu-uh, she is not, okay? She just wants to see that what she says gets to you, just ignore it, Everyone should have a friend, so I am one." Stiles told him, and Derek nodded.

"So I hope I'll be getting a good report on this parent-teacher thing?" His dad asked him over the phone,

"Oh yeah, I hope," Stiles answered, With how everything was going at school there was no way it would go bad, 

"Okay well I'm off, stay out of trouble." His dad hung up, Stiles put all his attention back on Derek,

"I've been getting straight A's and everything." Stiles grinned, and Derek smiled at him, Stiles was so happy to see that smile,

"That's good, See you handling this just fine," Derek told him, Stiles nodded, Stiles was lucky that he was able to juggle being a werewolf and still get good grades,

"We should go get curly fries," Stiles suggested, how could he pass that up?

"You got curly fries with your dad." Derek shook his head,

"Yeah, but we had to go to a murder scene and I didn't get to finish," Stiles told him, Derek nodded and started driving.

"You are addicted to curly fries, aren't you?" Derek asked, shaking his head slightly,

"Yeah, I guess I am, maybe just a little." Stiles smirked finishing up his last fry, "You should work on your set." Stiles insisted and luckily Derek nodded as he had a slight grin on his face, Stiles noticed that he never had a full grin on his face, Stiles saddened at the thought but did not make it obvious,

"So you planning on running in the woods anytime? That could take our mind off things." Stiles suggested,

"Maybe we should but let me finish." Derek pointed to his food as Stiles eyed him, "I'm not a fast eater, Stiles, I like to take my time." Derek laughed, Stiles' eyes widened as Derek began to finish his food, Stiles made a mental note that Derek had a great laugh, which just added to the list of Derek's attractiveness.

When they got to the woods, Derek took his shirt off and advised Stiles to do the same since they were bound to stink, Stiles nodded and did the same, and holy shit, Derek has abs, Stiles gulped as he began to run with him, they stayed in the same pace for the remainder of the run, Stiles began to feel relaxed and aware of his surrounding, the first thing he thought about while running was the full moon, it was coming up in less than a week, it was the one night when the alpha could get to him easier than he did the night of the bus driver, he didn't exactly know if their plan to kill him would succeed, because if Stiles' presumption of it being Peter Hale was right, then Derek could possibly turn his back on Stiles and join his uncle because he is his family,

"Lost in thought?" Derek asked as they were still running,

"Yeah, like I said, the perfect way to get down with your thoughts." Stiles grinned nervously, Derek nodded, Stiles nodded back, and Stiles focussed back in on his thoughts, he loved that Derek was concerned.

"So Let's talk about Stiles, Is his name actually Stiles?" The coach asked the sheriff,

"No, that is just what he likes to be called." He informed him,

"And I like to be called cupcake, anyways, Stiles is a good kid, Straight A student, and a really good lacrosse player, he must have practiced a lot.' Coach grinned,

"Actually, it was like it happened overnight, if he practiced, I would've known it, or I think anyhow." The sheriff sighed, coach nodded.

"When the full moon comes where do I go? I must be chained up, right?" Stiles asked five minutes after they stopped running,

"Yeah, I think that is the best option, best for you to be by me," Derek answered, Stiles nodded,

"I better greet my dad, the conference should be just about done," Stiles told him, Derek nodded.

"Hi, I'm Melissa, Scott's mother, I'm guessing Your Allison's parents? I'm sorry if he dragged Allison with him, I'll make sure to ground him." Stiles heard Melissa tell Chris and Victoria,

"I'm Chris and this is my wife Victoria." Chris greeted, "Hi, And don't worry Allison will be grounded too." Victoria assured her, "Oh would you-" Melissa began to say as a mountain lion came out of nowhere,

Stiles saw that it was headed for Melissa so Stiles bolted over and pushed out of the way, the mountain lion swerved and Chris pulled out his gun and shot it, Stiles let out a breath as he saw the mountain lion fall on the car his dad was leaning against, Stiles' eyes widened as he ran over to his dad but he was already hurt, Stiles rushingly took out his phone and called an ambulance as a crowd approached.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked his dad, his heart was beating so fast,

"Yeah Stiles I'm fine, now do you wanna tell me where those reflexes happened? Cause I know damn well you couldn't do that before." His dad eyed him, Stiles just shrugged,

"I saw Melissa and ran," Stiles answered, His dad sighed and nodded, his dad had a dislocated shoulder, Stiles knew it would heal but he couldn't help but think that he should have been faster.

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