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"Kate," Stiles sneered as he walked through the door, Anger was rising threw his blood, "Untie him," Stiles growled, She had Derek tied to what looked like an electrocuting machine Derek looked pained as he was also unconscious, Stiles wanted to tear her apart,

"No, I don't think I will," Kate smirked, "Doesn't he look nice like this? All shirtless," Kate chuckled and Stiles watched as she traced Derek's abs causing him to wince, 

"Let. him. down," Stiles growled with each word, for the first time his claws were out and so were his teeth, his anger was at full effect now, and all Kate did was chuckle as she drew her gun,

"Do you really want to be shot for the second time today?" Kate asked, "This one might kill you so I suggest you stay back, I only have him here to bait the Alpha," 

"And who's to say he's coming?" Stiles asked, "Haven't you done enough to him?" Stiles glared at her, 

"Oh honey, All you werewolves need to die, I'll do whatever it takes to get it that way even sleeping with them," Kate smiled something wicked, "He was so eager as a teen too, so eager to tell me all their secrets as long as let him get some,"

"How psychotic are you?" Stiles sneered, Derek had never told him this not that he blamed him but Stiles could not believe what he had just heard, "Using a teen like that? You are disgusting,"

Stiles wanted to do more but with Kate pointing the gun at him he had no choice but to stay put, he just hoped Peter would hurry up, he knew he couldn't pull this off on his own as much as he hated having to rely on Peter to do so,

"Awe Stiles, You really care about him," Kate smiled, "Too bad you won't be able to see how it goes," She looked between them both, "Now where is Peter? He can't possibly want to miss the show," 

Before Stiles could come up with something to say Peter entered the room with claws blazing as he roared so loud Stiles couldn't keep up, Kate was shooting in every direction but each time she missed Peter, Peter had her pinned to the ground in one swift movement, Peter gently motioned for Stiles to get Derek out, Stiles moved fast, he knew what he had to do. (I'm sorry I really am bad at action scenes.)

"Stiles?" Stiles heard Derek say unsteadily, Stiles looked up from where he was sitting, "Where are we?"

"Back at your loft," Stiles told him, He could see that Derek was trying to look around, "Don't move too much, It's okay you are out of there," Stiles assured him,

"How?" Derek asked, Stiles knew it must have all happened pretty fast, "Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that," Stiles sighed, "Peter is taking care of her, I don't care how as long as she pays," Stiles clenched his fists,

Derek winced as he moved to sit up, Stiles hated seeing him in pain but he could see that Derek was reaching for the drink so Stiles helped him, why was Kate doing this? Why did she hate werewolves so much? 

"Thank you," Derek said after a few moments of silence, "For getting me out of there," 

"Don't thank me, It was no big deal," Stiles gently smiled, "I was not going to let you die," Stiles told him, 

"How did you know where to look?" Derek asked, Stiles thought back to his conversation with Peter, Was it a good idea to bring this up right now? Peter did say Derek would tell him when he was ready,

"We had a really good guess," Stiles told him, Stiles knew from research that Derek could hear the lie but Stiles hoped Derek would leave it be, As much as Stiles wanted to know he knew this was not the time, "Peter made me swear we wouldn't interfere so you should rest,"

"What made you decide to listen to him?" Derek asked all defensive not that Stiles blamed him, "What happened?"

"He threatened to kill Lydia if I didn't help him find you and join his pack," Stiles sighed, "He had her by the hair, I had no other options,"

"We will get out of that," Derek said sternly, "I swear," Derek promised, Stiles smiled at his confidence,

"Kate told me what she did and I am so sorry you had to through that," Stiles placed his hand on Derek's on pure instinct, He knew he didn't need to emphasize what he meant,

"It's my fault," Derek whispered, "Don't apologize, I was dumb," Derek did not meet his eyes,

"Do not blame yourself," Stiles said sternly as he could, "She used you, you had no control over that, she should be in jail for what she did to you,"

Derek stayed silent in response, Stiles understood, it was hard to process, Had anyone told Derek it wasn't his fault? Stiles guessed not based on his expression, He looked like he was completely out of what to say and Stiles understood.

Stiles wanted to know how Peter did, he hated the guy for all the damage he had caused but he couldn't help but want him to be okay, he was Derek's uncle, and Stiles didn't know how Derek would feel if he lost his last remaining family, Derek did not deserve to lose anyone else even if that person was Peter.

A/N: Am I really on the 30th chapter of this? I was not sure I was capable of that! I guess it is safe to say I am finishing this or at least trying my hardest to get it done, thank you for reading!!

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