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"It was six years ago, And in my defense, it was before I'd gotten sober," Harris explained,

"Listen, I have my son's second Lacrosse to get to. What do you say we just focus on the details?" The Sheriff asked, Harris sighed,

"I met her at a bar, we had a lot of drinks. She started asking me what I do, and she kept asking me questions. Do you have any idea what that's like? To have someone actually interested in the topic of chemistry after staring at all these vacant faces-" "Details." The Sheriff cut him off, "As I said. I talked. It was fascinating stuff. How you could melt away the lock of a bank vault. How you could dissolve a body and get away with murder." Harris shook his head,

"How you could start a fire and get away with arson?" The Sheriff asked,

"And a week later, the Hale house burns down," Harris explained,

"You know, You could have said something." The Sheriff shook his head,

"And be an accomplice?" Harris shook his head,

"It would have ended my teaching career!" Harris ran his fingers through his hair,

"So you don't know her name or where she was from?" The Sheriff asked,

"No, Which is exactly what Laura Hale asked. I'll point you in the same direction that I pointed her." Harris told him,

"What is that?" He asked,

"The necklace the girl was wearing. That's the symbol on it. I asked her about it, she said it was a family thing. You find the girl wearing that, She's your arsonist." Harris said as he grabbed a piece of paper drew the symbol the best he could, and handed it to the Sheriff,

"Murderer." Sheriff corrected,

"Excuse me?" Harris asked, he now looked frightened,

"Arson happens to property. This girl's a murderer." The Sheriff told him.

"I see that you have been training Stiles, Derek, Thank you, Although I've seen him catch on to everything quite fast as I predicted." Peter looked from Derek to Stiles,

"Someone had to." Derek shook his head,

"I need a pack, for my plan," Peter told them both,

"Plan to kill more people?" Stiles chuckled, "Yeah, Right." Stiles rolled his eyes,

"I'm not trying to kill random people, I am just looking for revenge," Peter told him,

"Revenge on Kate?" Stiles asked he could see that Derek had lowered his head,

"Yes, Revenge on Kate." Peter clarified,

"Then why not go straight for her?" Stiles asked,

"Because then it wouldn't be fun, There were other people involved, I killed those people, and now she is the only one left," Peter said,

"Then what happens after that?" Derek asked,

"Then we stay a pack, I am only doing this for closure and the power feels great." Peter shrugged,

"I don't think this is a good idea." Derek shook his head,

"I agree with him, This isn't right," Stiles told him,

"Oh, C'mon, With you by my side, Stiles, We can become powerful," Peter smirked,

"I don't want to be powerful." Stiles shook his head,

"Well, That is too bad." Peter sighed, Derek perked up but Stiles couldn't tell why till Peter sprung forward but Derek stopped it and threw him to the ground, It wasn't long in till Peter got back on his feet and did the same to him, Stiles wanted to join, but how? Before he could think of something, Peter disappeared.

"Why did he just leave like that?" Stiles asked, Derek got up from the ground and shrugged,

"I have no idea." Derek looked confused, Stiles wondered what was going through Derek's head,

"Do you think he gave up trying?" Stiles asked, but that did not seem right,

"He isn't that easy to persuade," Derek told him,

"At least he was just in time for the game to start so I can actually be a part of that." Stiles shrugged,

"Okay, I'll have to come in case he tries anything," Derek said as they both made their way out of the hospital.

"Hey! Stiles? You ready to win?" Jackson smirked,

"Yep, I am." Stiles nodded as he gripped his helmet and placed it over his head, He saw Scott leaning against a wall a bit away from him but he just ignored him by looking away,

"Don't feel bad for not talking to McCall, I don't think it's right for him not to trust you." Jackson patted him on the shoulder,

"I can't help it, He's my best friend, but I still won't be talking to him, At least for a while, We should probably get playing." Stiles insisted, and Jackson nodded as they headed toward the field.

Long story short they won the game, Derek was in the crowd away from everyone since he still was being mildly suspected by the cops and his dad, Stiles almost forgot about Peter and his whole plan, "Great game Stilinski!" Jackson congratulated excitedly, "Same with you." Stiles smiled, Stiles could see that Derek was gesturing him over.

"Hey, What's up?" Stiles asked,

"Okay, first, You did a great job out there." Derek told him and Stiles smiled, "Second, We need to see where Peter is headed, It isn't like he is just going to lay low." Derek explained,

"Okay, We should go now while no one sees." Stiles nodded as he and Derek headed away from the field.

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