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"Do you think we should go back and see if Peter died?" Stiles asked after a couple of hours doing basically nothing useful,

"No need," Stiles turned to see Peter walking through the door, "I managed just fine like I told you," Peter looked unmarked,

"Did you get her?" Derek sat up as he looked at his uncle, Peter walked further in and sat down like he was just at home,

"Of course I got her," Peter rolled his eyes, "There was no way I was letting her get out of there alive, She's dead," Peter told them, 

"So now what's the plan?" Stiles had to ask, "How many more people have to die?" Stiles knew he would hate the answer,

"Don't think we would be letting that happen," Derek told him in a stern voice, "We will stop you, I don't care about your threats,"

"My dear Nephew," Peter started, "I thought about it on the walk here and I've decided that I got my revenge, Kate is dead and everyone who was involved in the massacre of our family, I came to hand over my alpha title to you," Stiles' eyes widened, What?

"What?" Derek asked for him, "Why end it like that?" Derek sounded as confused as Stiles was, What was his motive? There must be an alternative motive behind his words,

"I've changed my mind," Peter turned his attention to Stiles, "I want to apologize for all the trouble I've caused, I was blinded by vengeance," Peter sighed, "I know this doesn't sound believable but I am being sincere,"

"Okay," Derek said, "But if you are lying, I will kill you," Derek threatened, Stiles just did not know what to say as Derek walked closer to his uncle, 

"I am not lying," Peter nodded to him, Just before Stiles could process what was happened Peter grabbed Derek's hand, and suddenly Peter's eyes were pure red, "I renounce my alpha title and give it to my nephew Derek Hale," As Peter spoke electricity went through the two and suddenly Peter's eyes turned blue and Derek's turned red and for a pure second Stiles thought he saw blue in Derek's eyes, he knew better than to ask,

"Wow," Was all Stiles could manage to say, "So does that mean you are my alpha now, Derek?" Stiles turned to Derek who appeared to be processing what just happened,

"Yes," Derek answered, he sounded like he was catching his breath, "Now what will you do?" Derek seemed to be asking Peter, 

"Well, I was hoping to join your pack but I understand if you decline," Peter looked down, "I know there is no way to really show how sorry I am,"

"Stiles," Derek turned to him, "It's up to you," Stiles was surprised to see that the decision was up to him, 

"I guess I can allow it," Stiles shrugged, "But no more threatening," Stiles pointed to the man who chuckled,

"Definitely not," Peter told them, "I promise," Stiles nodded back at him.

After a bit, Stiles did manage to make it home so he could give Peter and Derek some time to catch up, How did it all turn out that way? One minute he was making sure to steer clear of Peter and the next they were in a pack together, Stiles sighed as he sat back in his chair, How was he going to explain this to his friends? Especially Lydia who still did not know about werewolves, She was probably terrified now but Stiles knew he needed to give her time and that it was not a good idea to approach her any time soon.

"I'm sure it will be fine," Derek assured him as they ran through the woods, Even after what happened they still ran, Stiles was going to suggest making it a pack thing but he enjoyed his alone time with Derek too much,

"She looked terrified," Stiles shook his head as they kept an even pace, "How am I possibly going to explain?"

"You will figure it out, I'm sure of it," Derek assured him once again, Stiles nodded not sure what else there was to say, he just wanted to enjoy the time they were sharing, he loved how they were both able to keep the same pace, "What has you so lost in thought?" Derek asked after a while,

"I'm just enjoying my time with you," Stiles wished he could make that sound not so lame, "I mean, time here," Stiles corrected,

"I enjoy my time with you too," Derek smiled back, "This is the first time I've felt somewhat happy since my family," Derek admitted quietly as they continued on their path,

"I'm glad, Derek," Stiles smiled, "You deserve to be happy," Stiles told him, "What is there for us to do now? Now that Peter surrendered and Kate is gone?"

"Well, Jackson was bitten so we now will have to train him if the bite worked," Derek explained, "Given that you haven't been called by any of them I can assume it worked which means Jackson is also handling it well,"

"I forgot he got bitten," Stiles shook his head, "Our pack sure is going to be strong," Stiles said, 

"Yes it will," Derek agreed with him, "We should get back, Your Dad is probably planning my murder again,"

"Probably," Stiles laughed as they turned, He wished he could just stay here at Derek's loft, but he did miss his Dad.

A/N: I decided to steer the story away from canon, Peter will live and Jackson will actually become a werewolf, sorry, hope you still like it!!

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