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"Hey! How is my favorite co-captain?" Jackson sat across from Stiles at his lunch table, Lydia was beside him,

"Hey, I'm good, May I just say that you have been weirdly nice to me about this whole Lacrosse thing?" Stiles smirked,

"Well, I think you are a good player, You don't seem to be over the top in being the best so I didn't see you as a threat, Besides, it'll be fun leading the team together." Jackson chuckled,

"Yeah, It will." Stiles nodded, he really did believe it would,

"So, Stiles, Did you hear anything else about the School situation?" Lydia asked,

"Nothing, My dad is looking for Derek even though he is innocent, which is fantastic." Stiles shook his head,

"Who even accused him?" Jackson asked,

"Scott did, he has been against the guy since I started hanging out with the guy, I tried convincing him but he won't understand," Stiles explained, And just as Stiles said that Scott came and sat down in his regular spot, Stiles looked away from him,

"You're still not talking to me?" Scott asked, clearly he wasn't, Stiles rolled his eyes,

"Doesn't look like it, McCall." Jackson chuckled, Stiles would chuckle back if he weren't this annoyed,

"Stay out of this, Whittemore." Scott gritted through his teeth, Stiles stayed silent for another moment, Stiles sighed,

"Derek is innocent, You made a huge mistake accusing him when you had no right to, Just because I have been hanging out with Derek doesn't mean you are any less my friend, Okay? Because I know that is what this is about, you don't understand and I don't know how else to explain it to you." Stiles said as he got up and left the table. He didn't even bother to look Scott in the eye.

Hey, Allison." Stiles stood beside her locker, he hoped this went well,

"Hey, Stiles, What can I do for you?" She asked, She smiled brightly at him,

"I was wondering something. Where did you get that necklace?" Stiles asked as he pointed to it,

"Oh, This?" She touched it, Stiles needed to focus,

"Yeah, It looks really cool." Stiles did his best to look really interested,

"It is just a family heirloom, something about silver, I think it is what 'Argent' translates to," Allison explained, Stiles nodded,

"That is really cool!" Stiles smiled, and the bell rang right after, "Thank you for sharing that with me." Stiles smiled as he walked off. That wasn't so bad, He thought to himself.

"So, It represents her family?" Derek clarified, Stiles nodded,

"Is that helpful?" Stiles asked curiously, he really hoped it was,

"Yes, Now we just need to get to the hospital," Derek said as he started the car. Turns out it was no coincidence that Scott had shown up to the School, Someone had texted him, and the call had traced back to Melissa McCall, Scott's mother, But why would Melissa pretend to be Stiles? So Derek decided it was best to just go check it out themselves, the text was from the hospital.

"Okay, Just go in there, and inspect her computer, swiftly and make sure no one sees you," Derek ordered,

"Got it." Stiles said as he opened the car door, Just as Stiles was going to go, Derek grabbed his arm,

"Be careful, okay?" Derek looked worried, Stiles smiled and felt a warm feeling in his chest,

"I will." Stiles nodded to him and he let go, Stiles sighed as he exited the vehicle.

"Yeah, I said I couldn't find her," Stiles said to his phone as he continued to look around the hospital,

"Look, Ask for Jennifer, She's been looking after my uncle," Derek instructed, Stiles nodded to himself and walked down the hallway of the hospital, There was no one around which was surprising since this should be the busiest place in Beacon Hills, Once Stiles got to the room where Peter was staying, he shook his head,

"Derek, Peter isn't here," Stiles told him, The line was silent for a moment, Stiles had a feeling his assumption about Peter was correct and now Derek was going to put the pieces together,

"What?" Derek asked and Stiles knew what this could mean,

"He's not here," Stiles repeated, The line was silent again,

"Stiles, Get out of there now! He's the alpha!" Derek ordered before he hung up the phone, Stiles gulped as he turned and saw Peter standing in front of him, Stiles saw that coming.

"You must be Stiles, The one I bit, I've been watching you, such a great achievement you are." Peter smiled,

"And you're a murderer." Stiles shook his head, A nurse came behind him, "Let me guess, That's Jennifer?" Stiles asked and Peter nodded, Before Stiles could say anything else Derek ran towards Jennifer and punched her so hard that she died,

"That's not nice, She's my nurse." Peter pouted, Derek shook his head, he looked hurt,

"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people." Derek rolled his eyes, Derek seemed to be keeping it together pretty well,

"You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family? My mind and my personality were literally burned out of me. I was being driven by pure instinct." Peter said, Stiles and Derek both shook their heads,

"You want forgiveness?" Derek asked,

"I want you to understand, Do you have any idea what it was like for me during those years? Slowly healing, cell by cell, Even more slowly coming back to consciousness. Yes, becoming an alpha, taking that from Laura pushed me over a plateau in the healing process. I can't help that. I tried to tell you what was happening. I tried to warn you." Peter shook his head, and Derek just stared at his uncle.

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