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"So, what, another night of kicking through leaves in the woods?" Kate looked over to Chris,

"I like to think of it as searching the woods in order to protect innocent people which now includes my daughter," Chris answered the fake detective came up beside him,

"And how do you know he won't go after her?" He asked,

"He won't go after Allison," Kate said confidently, Kate would make sure of it, is what she didn't say,

"It won't, especially not on a full moon," Chris assured them both,

"How come?" The fake detective said, Such stupid questions,

"Because he'll be unfocused," Chris told him,

"But what if he is?" Kate asked,

"Do you know something we don't?" Chris asked,

"I just prefer no surprises, so you tell me?" Kate asked smugly, An younger hunter that was with them came up,

"What about Derek?" She asked,

"Oh, he won't be out, his blood was found at the school and my guess is that he suspects that the cops will be after him," Kate answered.

"Hey guys." Stiles sat at their table, He was trying his best to stay upbeat,

"It's crazy about what happened at the school right?" Danny asked, They all nodded and looked at each other,

"Should we tell him?" Stiles asked, They all nodded, Danny seemed very interested in what they were saying,

"Tell me what?" Danny asked, he leaned more into the table,

"We were the ones who saw the janitor," Stiles informed him, Danny's eyes widened,

"And you guys didn't include me?" Danny asked, They all chuckled, typical Danny,

"It happened so fast we didn't exactly have time to have a party," Scott told him,

"Was it cool?" Danny asked as Stiles rolled his eyes at the question,

"If you call nightmares fun, then yeah it was super fun," Lydia said,

"And if you call my dad being overprotective fun then it was definitely fun." Allison joined,

"I told you guys to turn around." Stiles rolled his eyes, They should used their brains,

"We know, but as I said, I don't listen to McCall," Jackson told him, this again?

"Oh, whatever." Scott rolled his eyes, Allison lightly smiled over at Scott, Stiles wanted to leave,

"So Stiles, Did you hear anything from Derek?" Jackson asked, Stiles shook his head, he didn't want to talk about this but he knew he would have to,

"Why? What happened with Derek? Did you guys argue?" Danny seemed really interested,

"He is missing," Scott informed him, Stiles was surprised Scott didn't just say he was dead,

"Are you okay Stiles?" Danny asked, Stiles shrugged as the bell rang.

"All right, geniuses, listen up. Due to the recent pink eye epidemic - Thank you, Greenberg - the following people have made the first line on a probationary basis, with emphasis on the word "probationary." Rodriguez. Welcome to the first line. Uh, Rodriguez, Taylor, and, uh - McCall." The coach told them, Scott had a wide smile on his face, Stiles smiled and congratulated him, "We're also switching to co-captains, I've decided since we have two amazing players, why not combine them? Whittmore already agreed, Our new co-captains are Whittmore and Slinski!" Coach cheered as everyone clapped, Stiles stood up and went over to Jackson,

"Really? You are fine with that?" Stiles asked, if this was a month ago Stiles would probably hate this idea,

"Yeah, actually, the coach couldn't decide so I suggested it," Jackson told him,

"Oh wow, that's a good idea." Stiles smiled, Jackson nodded, he was glad they turned out to be friends,

"Now time to get out there!" Coach yelled and they all went out.

"Wow, congrats man!" Scott congratulated him, it looked like the whole team was okay with this,

"Thanks and congrats on getting the first line." Stiles smiled at him,

"Thanks, we're both doing good, aren't we?" Scott shrugged,

"Yep, we are." Stiles agreed as they headed out to the field.

The game went smoothly as the coach instructed each player to hit a ball through the goal, Stiles was surprised at the cooperation everyone was showing.

"Hey? It's Stiles right?" Lydia came up to him, Stiles turned,

"Yeah, that's me." Stiles nodded,

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize for not doing as you told us, that probably could've prevented a lot of nightmares." Lydia lightly chuckled,

"It's okay, We're okay so it doesn't matter," Stiles assured her,

"Wait, so there was a possibility of us not being okay?" She asked,

"Well yeah, the janitor was killed right before our eyes, but don't worry, all that matters is that we're safe," Stiles told her, She nodded,

"Oh and I'm sorry about Derek, I could see how that affected you, he must've meant a lot to you." She said lightly,

"He did, or was starting to, thank you, Lydia." Stiles smiled at her and she nodded walking back to Jackson who waved at them, he waved back and continued to his jeep.

"Hey, Deaton?" Stiles walked into the animal clinic, Deaton walked over to him and nodded,

"Hey Stiles, what brings you here?" He asked,

"Oh um, I just came to apologize for Derek, he was focused on the alpha, it killed his sister, so finding him kind of has or was his priority, he shouldn't have accused you." Stiles apologized looking to the floor,

"It's okay, I understand, and also, don't be prone to thinking that he died, Werewolves are stronger than you think, which means there is hope." Deaton smiled at him, Stiles smiled back,

"I hope, after everything that has happened to him he doesn't deserve to just die," Stiles whispered,

"Yeah, I feel the same way, I knew his family, it was such a tragedy." Deaton frowned,

"Yeah, it was, Anyways, before what happened I was going to ask him something and well you know a lot about the supernatural so can I ask you the question?" Stiles asked, Deaton nodded,

"Go ahead." Deaton listened,

"So when I get angry, I think of Derek and I suddenly calmed down, What does that mean?" Stiles asked hoping what he was saying made sense,

"Ah, That would mean that Derek is your anchor," Deaton answered and Stiles' eyes widened,

"And what exactly is an anchor?" Stiles asked, he knew Derek had already told him but he wondered if Deaton would come up with anything different,

"An anchor is someone who keeps you grounded and human, they have this connection to you that calms you, Just by them being your friend can be enough," Deaton answered and Stiles ran his fingers through his hair,

"Is that why I feel so low now that he might be dead?" Stiles asked, Stiles shouldn't be surprised Derek is his anchor but he couldn't help it,

"Yes, It is like a part of you is gone right?" Deaton asked,

"Yes," Stiles said, Stiles could only feel sadness,

"Just go take a look at his place," Deaton suggested, Stiles nodded and thanked him for the answers before leaving.

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