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"Why did you do that?" Stiles shook his head at Scott as they drove away from Derek's house,

"I saw a wolf, I removed a strand on the rope and it turned into the other half of that body we went searching for so of course, I called your dad, What was I supposed to do?" Scott asked,

"I don't know, but why would you even dig that area up?" Stiles asked and that did not sound like Scott at all,

"It looked fresh, What if Derek murdered that person?" Scott looked freaked out,

"I don't think he did," Stiles told him, He knew Derek didn't do that but it wasn't

"Yeah, You don't think, Stiles, you don't know, so how can you be defending him?" Scott looked at him,

"I am not defending him." Stiles huffed, Scott just looked at him.

Scott was right he had no idea who Derek was, only that he was a werewolf like him so it was instinct to defend him, Derek was a grouchy person who could have potentially committed the crime but Stiles wanted to believe he wasn't, he was the only person who could help him figure this whole thing out, because he sure as hell had no idea, it would be great if the wolf who bit him actually stuck around and told him what to do, How was he supposed to handle this alone? He couldn't tell Scott so what would he do?

"Big game tonight huh?" His dad nudged him,

"Yep, Can you believe it?" Stiles smirked,

"Nope." His dad said truthfully, Stiles rolled his eyes but couldn't argue,

"Hey, Dad? What's gonna happen with Derek Hale?" Stiles asked curiously, he needed to know, he kind of missed the guy,

"Don't you worry about that, just focus on the game." His dad assured him, Stiles frowned but nodded and headed out the door for school, On his drive there, all he could think about was impressing his dad and proving to Derek that he could still have a normal life, But of course, Derek was in jail for the time being.

Stiles worried that he wouldn't be able to play without giving himself away, but he had to play, his dad was excited and he didn't want to disappoint him, he didn't even know all the ropes to be a werewolf yet, so this was going to be tricky, all he had to do was control his breathing and hope he wouldn't wolf out like Derek said he would, he hated dealing with this on his own, but what choice did he have?

"Dude, why do you trust Derek so much? You barely know him, don't you remember when we first met him? He looked so scary." Scott shivered, Stiles turned around from where he was,

"Scotty, You don't know him either, Don't go making assumptions," Stiles assured him,

"So you know now? You've only talked to him twice, I don't think that is enough time to know the guy." Scott asked,

"Scotty, this is between me and Derek, don't worry about it," Stiles told him, Why was Scott so invested?

"Ever since you got bit you've been different, Tell me what's going on." Scott looked worried,

"Nothing is going on." Stiles said as he turned and went to class, Scott still just as confused behind him.

"Okay, do not wolf out, if someone comes at you remember, you need to draw little attention to yourself, but still give it your best, and after the game? Make sure Derek gets out of jail." Stiles whispered to himself as he gripped the stick,

"Hey Stilinski, make sure to pass to everyone, don't want you showing off." Jackson winked, Stiles nodded, Stiles looked over and saw his dad in the crowd grinning happily as coach was talking to him,

"He does play good, right?" His dad asked as Stiles listened in,

"Oh yeah, he's the best player we have, You'll see." Coach nodded off, Stiles smiled lightly and looked around at his fellow players, he breathed in and waited for the whistle.

"Everyone, pass to Stilinski, and Stilinski? Share the spotlight." Jackson said to the team who all nodded, Stiles expected Jackson to be more pissed about this but he was glad Jackson was so down to the idea,

"Down!" The referee shouted, "Set!" The referee shouted as Stiles got the ball and ran, passing it to Jackson who ran and passed to everyone else, a player from the other time came beside Stiles and tried to block him, Stiles shifted a bit and went over to where his teammate was and got the ball and went to the net and scored before getting tackled, Stiles got up swiftly and waited for the next shot, he could hear everyone going nuts,

"THAT'S MY SON!" Stiles heard his dad cheer, Stiles rolled his eyes and continued playing, it was unreal how good he was doing, Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, Stiles thought to himself.

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