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"Hello, Scott." Scott sprinted up from his bed, 

"Who's there?" Scott asked frightened, 

"Just someone who can help you figure out what is going on with your friend." The voice said, Scott blinked as he leaned over and turned on the lamp that was on the nightstand next to his bed, he then saw a man with a leather long jacket on, 

"And why would you just randomly come in here to tell me?" Scott asked, 

"Because this is the only way I can talk to you alone." The voice said, 

"You still haven't answered me, Who are you?" Scott asked annoyed, 

"Oh right, I am Peter Hale." Peter smiled, 

"Hale?" Scott sounded surprised, 

"Yes, You may know my nephew, Derek," Peter told him, 

"I thought his family died?" Scott questioned, 

"They did, But I survived." Peter explained, "Anyway, That is not important, I can tell you what your friend is and why he has been acting weird." Peter had a mischievous face on, 

"Who? Stiles?" Scott questioned, Peter nodded and leaned closer to him.

"You are crazy, Werewolves don't exist." Scott rolled his eyes, Peter laughed, and Scott looked at him questioningly, Peter flickered his red eyes, 

"Oh, But we do," Peter told him, and Scott went wide-eyed, 

"And Stiles, Is a w-werewolf?" Scott stammered, 

"Yep, And Derek is training him, You can become one of us, all you have to do is say the word," Peter smirked, 

"But you kill people." Scott shook his head, 

"It is all part of my plan, Stiles won't join me but I'm hoping you will," Peter explained, 

"You have a plan to kill people? Yeah, No thanks." Scott answered, 

"But you can become powerful, You can become a great Lacrosse player just like Stiles, Imagine the popularity." Peter gestured his hands like a rainbow, 

"Do you want the bite?" Peter asked as he took Scott's arm, 

"I don't want to be like you." Scott shook his head, "Oh, You say that but your heartbeat twice at the words 'I don't want.'" Peter smirked as he disappeared leaving Scott speechless.

"Stiles!" Scott yelled up the stairs of his house, 

"Scott? What are you doing here?" Stiles met Scott at the top, 

"I know what you are." Scott pointed to him as they went into Stiles' room, 

"Huh? I don't know what you mean?" Stiles acted confused, 

"You're a werewolf!" Scott looked freaked out, 

"What? That is crazy." Stiles shook his head, 

"Don't lie to me! This Peter guy came into my room and told me, He showed me his eyes, and it would explain all the sudden changes with you!" Scott shook his head, 

"That Peter guy is bad news," Stiles told him, 

"So, You're not denying this?" Scott asked, 

"I wanted to tell you." Stiles looked down, 

"Yeah! You should have! I am your best friend! You could have trusted me!" Scott raised his voice a bit, 

"I was trying to protect you, Peter has been killing people, I needed to handle that, Now he wants me in his pack." Scott shook his head, 

"You said no, Right?" Stiles asked, 

"Of course, I said no." Scott shook his head, 

"Well, Now you know why I've been hanging out with Derek." Stiles shrugged, 

"Are you sure he hasn't been helping him?" Scott asked, 

"No, Scott, I haven't, I only just found out he was the one doing this." Stiles turned as he saw Derek come through the window.

"So, Now what?" Stiles asked looking at Derek, 

"We make sure Peter stays away from Jackson and the other two," Derek told them, 

"Is that why you wanted us to go to the formal as a group?" Scott asked, 

"Yes, It helps me keep track of you guys." Stiles shrugged, 

"But now, There is more of a chance of Peter getting to the others," Derek explained, 

"What is his plan?" Scott asked, 

"To get revenge for what happened to our family." Derek looked down, 

"Isn't that perfect motive for you to join him?" Scott asked, 

"I do not kill, I don't go by that." Derek shook his head, 

"Look, I am sorry for suspecting you, it's just given the content." Scott looked down, 

"That is not important, What is important is getting prepared for tonight." Derek looked between them both.


"Hello, Jackson." A voice called out, Jackson looked at all angles but couldn't see anything, "Who's there?" Jackson yelled, Walking slowly away from the garbage bin, 

"I am Peter Hale, And I can make your life better." Peter came into Jackson's view with a wide smirk on his face, 

"No thank you," Jackson said immediately, 

"Don't you want to know how Stiles became this amazing player through the summer with no training?" Peter asked, 

"I think Stilinski has been good this entire time and is only now showing it, So again, No thanks." Jackson shook his head, 

"He's a werewolf." Peter cut down to the chase, 

"A what? Man, You sound nuts." Jackson let out a laugh, Just then he was being pinned against the wall and all he could see were red eyes.

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