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A/N: So this is all new content, The chapters before this I wrote in 2021, there may be flaws to the story since I don't have the same mindset if that makes sense.

How was Stiles supposed to focus on the formal when Derek was nowhere to be found? Stiles could not do this on his own, he was not strong enough he knew that but he knew he did not have a choice but to do this without Derek, he was worried beyond belief and wanted to find Derek but how?

"Are you okay?" Scott asked him, They were supposed to be with the others shopping for the formal but Stiles had a hard time focusing,

 "I'm fine," Stiles tried his best to smile, But how could he be fine while he sat here when Derek could be in danger?

"I'm sure Derek is fine," Scott assured him, "He's a werewolf too right?" Scott asked, Stiles sighed, 

"Yes," Stiles answered, "But that doesn't mean he takes all the punches," Stiles told him, 

"I know man," Scott sighed, "We should go with the others," Scott pointed ahead of them, 

Stiles reluctantly followed as they all went around the mall browsing between different options for them to wear, Stiles tried his best to stay in the conversation.

"So Derek, I've seen that you've taken a liking to that Stilinski boy," Kate smirked as Derek was chained to the electrocuting device unable to move,

Derek said nothing in response, one minute he was talking nicely with Stiles the next he was here with no idea if Stiles was okay, he didn't know what he would do if Stiles was dead all he knew was that he wanted Kate dead,

"Not going to talk, Huh?" Kate walked closer to him, Derek wanted to disappear, "He went down so easily, and I was told he was impressive," Kate sighed, "Such a shame,"

"If you killed him I swear to god I will kill you," Derek sneered, "It will be slow and painful," Derek was angry beyond belief,

"Will you? Do you think you'll be able to pull that off after everything?" Kate faked a frown, "You know we had something special, sweetie," Kate placed a hand on Derek's hip, the touch disgusted him,

"Don't touch me," Derek whispered angrily, Derek wanted to know why she was doing this, "Why are you doing this?"

"I missed you, Derek," Kate simply said even if it was a flat-out lie,  "Didn't you miss me? And the excitement we had?"

"No I did not," Derek told her, "I could never miss you," Derek sneered, Kate did not seem to like that answer,

Before Derek could even process what was going on, Kate had a stick in her hand and she seemed to be pressing a button, Pain suddenly washed threw Derek's body, Derek clenched his teeth tightly letting out a growl,

"How about you change that attitude?" Kate said as she turned it off, "You know what I missed the most?" She paused, Derek tensed as she traced her fingers over his abs, "The body," Derek felt overly disgusted by this, he felt powerless.

"Stiles," Jackson called, Stiles turned around, They were outside of the school waiting for the formal to open, "Are you doing okay?"

"Why is everyone asking me that?" Stiles shook his head, "I should be looking for him," Stiles sighed,

Jackson just nodded in response, Stiles was not expecting any responses he just wanted to defeat the alpha and get it over with and hopefully, Derek would be okay, How did this become his life? He was not cut out for this no matter how well he had adjusted.

"I don't blame you for being a teen with hormones You didn't know it was going to cost your family lives," Kate laughed, "How naive you were," Derek never met her gaze, he had no idea how he was going to get out of this,

"You are a monster," Derek told her but she just laughed louder, "Just let me go,"

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?" Kate asked, "The only monster here is you," Derek felt a surge of pain for the seventh time, he barely felt it anymore, "Do you think Stiles is looking for you? I can see how you are starting to feel about him but who could love a monster like you?"

Back with Stiles-

The formal had now started and everyone was having a blast but Stiles could not even think about fun, he was looking around looking for anything suspicious, but nothing was strange,

"Come dance with me, Stiles," Danny licked their elbows and dragged him to the dance floor without letting Stiles say a word, "You cannot spend the whole dance looking out for us and sulking,"

Stiles just let Danny guide them, It was sort of relaxing but Stiles still kept his senses high so he wouldn't miss a thing, but nothing was happening, why was that? Why was Peter delaying everything? Was he the one who took Derek? Was Derek going to join Peter? 

"Just relax," Danny told him, "Just have fun," Danny smiled and Stiles continued to dance along with him.

A/N: I am also horrible at writing action-type scenes so keep that in mind!! Thank you for reading!!

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