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"Okay, good, but you need to be faster," Derek said as Stiles caught his breath,

"Okay, just give me a 5-second head start," Stiles told him as he took off, They had been doing this for about an hour now, Derek was training him to be faster, so if any mountain lions showed up, he could protect people, he couldn't do that if he was slow, Stiles ran as fast as he could, he almost thought he lost Derek, Intill he felt muscles push him to the tree, he felt a hot breath by his kneck, Stiles pulse began to rise,

"You're dead," Derek whispered, Stiles shivered, Derek's hand was just at his waist holding him in the same position,

"Oh, would I?" Stiles asked as he grabbed Derek's hand and swirled them so now Stiles had him on the tree,

"You would've been dead before you could get the chance," Derek informed him, Stiles kept his hand at Derek's waist for another moment before pulling away, maybe that was too much excitement for Stiles.

Stiles said goodbye to Derek and continued to run, He thought about the feeling of Derek's hot breath against his skin, the way his hand gently caressed his waist, Stiles couldn't shake that feeling in his gut he always got when he was with Derek, he didn't get why, He was aware that with every day passed, he was feeling more for Derek, as he learned the trauma that Derek had to go through, the more he wanted to bash Kate's head in, he hated her, how could he not? While he was thinking after getting in his jeep, he saw a mountain lion figure behind his jeep, Stiles knew it was the alpha, he felt his heart race as he watched him, he could feel pure anger but not at him, the alpha had a slight grin as he drew a spiral on Stiles window.

"So you felt anger? pointed to you?" Derek asked, Stiles shook his head,

"No, I don't know exactly, but he drew a spiral, Here, I took a picture." Stiles handed him his phone,

"That is the symbol that represents my family," Derek answered, Stiles cursed under his breath,

"Oh yeah, I should've known, I just saw it yesterday, Derek? What do you think it means?" Stiles asked,

"I don't know," Derek answered.

Stiles knew what it could mean but he knew he couldn't talk about this with Derek, Peter had a motive, the alpha was trying to send a message, and the only logical explanation for the alpha drawing that spiral was because he was himself an Hale, Peter must be one hell of a pretender.

"Hey, Is your dad okay?" Scott sat behind him, Stiles appreciated that Scott cared,

"Yeah, just a dislocated shoulder, is all," Stiles answered, All he could was shrug,

"Good, so I saw you with Derek yesterday, you sure are spending a lot of time with him, aren't you?" Scott asked,

"Yeah? And? He's my friend." Stiles answered, He wished he could make them understand how Derek actually was,

"That's good, I just, Is there something between you guys?" Scott asked, and this concerned him how?

"No, Okay? I and Derek are just friends, what is with everyone thinking that?" Stiles shook his head,

"Maybe because he's hot and you just asked me that question yesterday." Danny came up beside Stiles,

"Oh thanks, Danny for your input." Stiles rolled his eyes as the bell rang and Danny went back to his seat, Scott looked confused but said nothing.

"The what of who?" Stiles overheard Lydia say from the field,

"The beast of Gevaudan. Listen. "A quadruped wolf-like monster, prowling the Auvergne and south Dordogne areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767. La Bete killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous that King Louie the 15th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it." Freaky right?" Allison asked,

"Freaky but boring." Lydia yawned,

"Even the church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan." Allison sounded generally interested,

"Still boring." Lydia sighed,

"Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of a hoofed predator, possibly a mesonychid." Allison read

"Slipping into a coma" bored," Lydia said simply,

"While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shapeshift into a man-eating monster," Allison informed her,

"Does any of this have anything to do with your family?" Lydia asked,

"This. "It is believed that la Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renowned hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature." His name was Argent." Allison gasped.

"Hey, sorry I had a free period, I think I need to see how angry I can get, Y'know so I can see if I can control it properly." Stiles greeted Derek,

"What are the rope and handcuffs for?" Derek looked confused,

"Oh these?' Stiles lifted them up,' I need to be restrained, If I can dodge them, then how am I supposed to properly do this?" Stiles asked, Derek shrugged,

"Need help?" Derek offered, Stiles nodded, oh How grateful he was for this man,

"Please," Stiles asked, Derek nodded walking over to Stiles and doing as he was informed.

Derek took the lacrosse stick and spun it, throwing a ball at Stiles in the process, Stiles flinched, Derek grabbed two more balls and chucked them at Stiles as hard as he could, All Stiles wanted to do was get loose, his pulse quickened as the balls kept coming,

"Is this how you train?" Stiles heard Jackson come up,

"Yup, gotta keep my blood pumping," Stiles said nervously as Derek stayed silent,

"Can I help?" Jackson asked, he could see that Derek was advising against it but Stiles shrugged, Maybe this could get him angrier because whenever Derek was the one who threw the balls that just made him calm, he needed someone who wasn't him to do it,

Stiles' heart raced as he felt every ball perpetrate his sides, it hurt like a bitch, and Stiles could feel himself get angrier by the second,

"You okay? Stiles?" Derek asked, As soon as Stiles heard Derek's voice his heart rhythm went back to normal,

"Yeah, I'm fine, more." Stiles looked over to Jackson who grinned and nodded, immediately after more balls came his way.

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