She Took A Book

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It All Began With A...

Chapter Eight

She Took A Book

I walked beside Meghan as we followed Lukas and Arthur, the others had disappeared into the kitchen as we past it.

"So in this dimension, magic is real?" Meghan asked, not believing them a bit.

"Yes, and I still don't know how you don't believe that, given that you woke up in the middle of the woods after being pulled through a portal." Arthur spoke.

"Actually, I could have sworn that someone pushed Amber and I." Meghan corrected, "and still, magic was always just a fun idea, you know, fiction, there was never really any proof to follow it, but here, you have so many books about the topic, not to mention the thing!" Meghan smiled, "Do the thing again!" She said eagerly, towards Lukas.

"Arthur knows how to do it too.." He muttered as he turned into the library, "Do it!" Meghan exclaimed.

Arthur let out a sigh as he waved his hand slowly and it caught fire, just like Lukas had been doing to entertain Meghan the past twenty times.

"Amazing!" Meghan said, eyes sparkling.

We entered the library and Meghan began wandering around the library, looking at the titles of all of the books.

I looked over at the two guys and sat down, "So will you be opening the portal for us to go back home?" I asked, sitting on a spinning chair.

"Yes, but if you don't mind, we don't get an opportunity like this often, I would love to ask you all questions about what it's like in your world and then examine how it differs from our world." Arthur said, pulling a notebook out from one of the drawers on the desk in the corner of the room.

I kicked the floor and began spinning, "Ask away then, dude." I said, kicking the floor again to spin faster.

"I wonder, do you come from a parallel universe or is it completely different from ours? Oh, do we exist in your universe? Or are we from entirely different universes?" He tapped the pen in his hand against his chin, "There are so many variables." He spoke.

As I spun, I looked over at Meghan to see her pull a book down from the second shelf of the bookcase, I looked back over at Arthur and kicked the floor, my head was spinning faster than I was.

I set my foot down to slow myself down and turned to look at Arthur,"Kay, well, what do you wanna know about my world? Cause I don't know if you exist or not there or if it's parallel or anything." I said, slightly dizzy. I decided to kick again and spin some more, this was fun in it's own way.

"You don't know? Hm, well, let's just say that you aren't from a parallel universe then, here let me see what else.." Arthur said as he wrote something down in his notebook.

I began to slow down, I frowned as an idea came to my head. I kicked the floor as hard as I could so that I could spin as fast as this chair would allow, and it worked, everything began to blur as I picked my foot up and sat on the chair, laughing slightly, only to feel the chair get sort of bumpy, "Agh!" I shouted as one of the wheels on the chair fell off and caused the chair to tilt, but because I was spinning, the chair tilted and I fell off...

—- Third Person P.O.V —-

"Now that you are all cleaned up, we can go eat some food downstairs!" Erika smiled, beside Elizabeta, "Ya, there's a variety of food that you may all enjoy!" She added.

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