Battles Vary On Perspective

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It All Began With A...
Chapter Nineteen
Battles Vary On Perspective

After finishing our ice cream, Taiwan and I began to walk around, but I just couldn't get my mind off of that guy, Latvia. Hats and Scarves, huh?

I looked around at all the store names until my eye caught the store in the distance, "Hey Taiwan!" I called out to her. Her eyes widened as she looked over at me, "Oh haha, silly you, I told you not to call me that nickname in public, my name us Lin Yi Lang, remember?" She winked hardcore at me.

"Oh, right, sorry Lin." I replied with an awkward laugh as some people looked over at us as they walked by.

"Anyway, what were you going to ask?" She asked in her usual upbeat personality.

"Ah, I just wanted a scarf from the Hat and Scarf shop!" I smiled.

"Alright, come on!" She grinned as she skipped beside me to the shop. Upon entering, it smelt of burning candles, it was somehow warmer in the store than it was outside.

"Excuse me," An elderly lady called out as she walked towards us, "May I help you?" She asked us.

"We are just looking for a scarf for the little one!" Tai- Lin smiled as she patted my head.

"Scarves? Oh, my apologies, we are sold out at the moment, but may I interest you in some hats?" She smiled, picking up a hat shaped like a birthday cake.

"You're out of  scarves?" Lin asked, shocked, "You're kidding me right?"

"No, I haven't kid since I turned thirteen." She laughed.

I joined in, because thirteen is practically a teen while twelve and below can be considered a kid.

Lin frowned as she pointed to the name of the store that was painted on the wall, "The name of your store is literally Hats and SCARVES!"

"Why, yes, dearie, you're very observant you are!" The elderly lady said sarcastically as she squeezed Lin's cheeks. She frowned as she continued ranting on, "How can you be sold out of that? It's one of the two things you sell!"

I looked over at the elderly lady and asked, "Hey, could you tell me my horoscope?" Her eyes lit up slightly as she smiled, "Just you?"

I nodded and she pointed to a door that lead to the back of the store, "Alright, just go wash your hands up first." She winked.

"Thanks!" I smiled as I headed to the back, meanwhile Lin continued ranting to the elderly lady about how they should keep a fresh stock of scarves at all times for customers to feel fulfilled when they enter the store.

I pushed the door opened and saw a table in the centre of the room and multiple bookshelves against the wall. Flavio was putting some potions on on the table, "Hi there, you came!" He smiled over at me.

"No, really?" I mumbled as I looked around some more.

"Well, Miss Sarcastic, I'm glad you're here. I took that little supply list you had in your bag there and here I have all the items on your list!" He said proudly, handing me the sheet of paper that I had in my satchel earlier. I frowned as I took it from him, "When did you take it?" I asked.

"When I whispered that code to you, you silly filly." He grinned, "I'll let you have all of these things if you can teach me something I've always wanted to learn!" He spoke.

"Oh? And what would that be?" I asked, eyeing the items on the table and the things I had on my list, they were all there...

"I want to learn how to start a fire! Mostly because there's a chimney at my house over in Latvia and I thought, hey! I might as well learn how to conger up the fire rather than wasting matches and lighters on it, right?" He smiled, putting the potions on the table into a bag.

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