The Dance That Swept The Nation

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It All Began With A...
Chapter Thirty
Was Totally Not Pink Out!

I woke up early, it was the first day of school, but I wasn't really as nervous as I thought I would be.

I looked into the mirror after I finished dressing up into my (pick your outfit, idk why I let you guys pick your outfit, like, you could pick a shark outfit and go to school in that and everything would still go on as I had it written out in this story.... Look, all I'm saying is that you can at least be reasonable here and NOT wear a shark outfit...).

Taking in a deep breath, I headed out and got myself breakfast then scurried over to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Once finished with my morning routine, I turned towards the front door, my parents were still asleep and didn't really care, so I was off...

{Some of you ride the bus, drive, walk, swim, moonwalk, idk, so just pretend I got it right and you're at school now!}

Once arriving at school, I entered to greet my friends, Maddie, Meghan, Erika, Laura, and Matthew.

I waved as I approached their table, I took my amazing satchel off, setting it gently on the table for the school grounds were not worthy of holding it.

"______!" Maddie exclaimed as she hugged me, I hugged her back before hugging everyone else as well, "Hi everyone!" I grinned from ear to ear.

"______!" Maddie exclaimed again.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning towards her as I opened my satchel up to pull out my handy dandy emergency pocky box.

"Please tell Meghan that dancing is cool!" She begged.

"Meghan, dancing is cool!" I said, laughing along with the others.

"No, I know that dancing is cool, it's just that the dance the school is having later isn't cool." Meghan frowned slightly, crossing her arms.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a bite of the pocky stick.

"The school is having a back to school pep rally and apparently there's going to be this 'Dance Crew' there later. Haha, Pink Out!" Laura laughed.

"Oh yeah, isn't that girl in our grade going to be in it? What's her name again?" Erika asked.

"Who do you mean?" Matthew asked.

"The otaku one." Erika added.

"Oh, Amber!" I exclaimed, laughing.

"Yeah, that's right!" She said, joining in with the laughter.

"It's going to be taking up our last two classes since there's going to be a bunch of acts, so we can sneak out if you guys are up to it!~" Laura sang.

"Sneaking out? Please, you dudes don't have what it takes to sneak out!" I laughed.

"What?! Yes we do!" They all shouted in unison.

I shook my head as I turned towards Mattie, "You're brother would totally chew you out, same with you and you!" I said, turning towards Laura and Erika.

"What about us two?" Maddie asked.

I turned towards Meghan and her, "Well, you probably would, you can be scary sometimes.." I said, looking at Maddie, "But you wouldn't because you always follow the rules! And because you follow the rules, you would make sure that Maddie doesn't sneak out!" I laughed again.

"True, true..." The two replied in unison.

The school bell suddenly screeched above us, causing me to jump up as I shoved the pocky box back into my amazing satchel, as I did so though, I noticed a notebook sitting in there. I stared at it for a moment before I felt Mattie tap on my shoulder, "Come on, ____, you don't want to be late to class on the first day!" He smiled.

It All Began With A... (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now