Down To Five

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It All Began With A...
Chapter Twelve
Down To Five

"Try checking the bathroom again, Liech." Switzerland said, Liechtenstein then explained, "I already checked three times, I don't know where she went, but she's not in there."

Austria walked up to the two in the hall shaking his head 'no.'

"I didn't see her anywhere, but Hungary said she was in the kitchen earlier. She doesn't know where she ran off to afterwards, though." Austria spoke.

"Maybe she's with her friends?" Liechtenstein thought aloud.

"Yeah? But where, she's not in the living room where Amber is." Austria replied.

"Let's just go ask around some more, come on Liech." Switzerland said as they turned down the hall.

Austria sighed, "I hate having odd numbers in our groups, they always leave me."

"Yeah, well you know, not all groups can be as awesome as my group." Prussia responded as he stepped outside of a room.

"You don't even have a group." Austria spoke.

"Yeah... But you know why." Prussia said slightly upset.

"Sorry." Austria was quick to respond, "Well do you want to help me search for Maddie?"

Prussia's eyes lightened up, "Well, since I'm not doing anything important right now, I guess it wouldn't hurt." He laughed, running to catch up to Austria as he walked.


"What do you mean that Maddie's missing?" Jaden asked, her eyes widening.

Liechtenstein sank down as she explained, "She just said that she was going to leave for a while but I thought she just meant that she was going to the restroom, I'm sorry."

Jaden smiled lightly as Liechtenstein, "No, don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong, maybe she just got lost or something. I'll help you look for her."

"Thanks, I just hope she's safe, where ever she may be.." Liechtenstein said as the two walked down the hall together to meet up with Switzerland who was asking Scotland.

"Sorry, lass, I've not seen any of them actually." He said, Switzerland nodded with a slight frown as he tried to think of the places she could have gone to, "Thanks anyway." He said as Scotland closed his bedroom door, "No problem." He responded.

"Nothing?" Liechtenstein asked, to which Switzerland shook his head, "Nothing."

--- First Person P.O.V. ---

I smiled as I looked up at the mansion from the outside, the different coloured glass on the front door reminded me of the first time that we got here. In front of the mansion however, I could make out three figures.

"Who are they?" I asked, squinting slightly as Romania waved his hand and made an umbrella appear as we walked out of the shady trees and into the sunlight, "Those two make up Ireland and that's Wales." He responded.

We past through the gates and the three turned towards us, "Romania?" A guy with a green hoodie and green eyes asked, "Hello again, Ireland." Romania smiled.

His eyes looked over at us all for a moment before he turned towards Romania stunned, "You found them?" Romania nodded slightly as he grinned, "Sorry, I'm just baffled that you managed so easily!"

"It wasn't that impressive, I bet I could've done it blind!" Northern Ireland laughed.

"Ay, then why didn't you go do it?" Wales asked, laughing slightly.

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