It's Over Now

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Thank you SO much for reading!!!

Sadly, it is over now, but fret not for my 1348 book is getting a sequel and since this story is now over, I'll be working on that one! ^_^

Remember to check out lime_smither I mean, the idea was all hers, I just did the typ-ey thingie! XD

Now for some other news stuff:
So I was going to just end the story with Alfred running up to Reader-chan saying, "You, You're the girl in this necklace, aren't you?!" But I figured that I could have added some more to make it a little more humorous.
I hope you liked that ending too, I know it's probably not the best, but sorry ;0

Also, apperently Denmark's human name can be 'Mathias?'
Idk, I just used Andersen since it said it in the wiki page as names that Himaruya listed as theoretical names for him...

Also, yeah I had to do the whole 'back to school thing' because TODAY (The day I posted this part and ended the story) is my first day of school. I know I probably start early, but at least I got out early too ;•u•)

It all still feels so surreal, like I can't believe that I'm actually back, or that Math is my first block, like hell dude!!

Oh whale.. Whenever you all return, have fun and take it easy!~

~~~Good-bye now!~~~

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