The Finale

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It All Began With A...
Chapter Twenty-Nine
The Finale

{A.N. Okay, Okay, Reader-chan, so I know that you probably don't look like Miku-chan, but yo, I don't know what you look like so I just imagine you looking like Miku.... Hence the picture I drew from that one time that Romania was all like, "Umbrellas are fruking weapons" and so yeah... That may or may not have something to do with this story part... e-e  SO ENJOY!!!~}

Finally finishing my writing in the notebook, I sat against a tree with my chin on my knees.

America and the others had finally arrived outside of the burnt down mansion in their car. I watched blankly as they looked over at Romania, confused. From where they were all at, they couldn't see me.

Romania gave me a faint smile, "Stay here." He said as he turned and walked towards them. I could still hear them from where I was, I opened my notebook again, reading what I wrote and listened in.

"R-Romania? What are you doing here?" England asked.

"And how did you know to find us here?" Germany added.

"I'll explain as we walk because we still do need to save Seychelles, France, you know where she is, right?" Romania asked.

"N-No, I don't know where she is but I do know where the cabin is.." He replied.

"Cabin? What cabin?" England asked, turning towards him.

"Ugh... I probably forgot to mention that little fact, didn't I?" France froze.

"What little fact?" England asked as he began walking behind Germany closer to the entrance of the woods.

"Haha!" America began laughing obnoxiously, "Do you guys wanna hear a little joke?" He pulled a burger out of his pocket, "Big Ben!" He shouted, only to have England hit the back of his head hard.

"The cabin? I hadn't an idea that there was a cabin out here, France then, do lead the way." Romania said, Russia pushed France from behind to give him a boost.

"_____?" Romania called, turning towards me, "Come on then." He spoke.

"__-_____?!" America exclaimed, dropping his burger in shock, "What are you doing here?" He asked as I stood up with my notebook in one hand and Romania's magical umbrella in the other. His eyes locked onto mine.

I composed myself as he frowned over at Romania, "Why did you bring her out here? She's supposed to be at the hotel with the others - safe!" He said, walking up to me.

"Maybe an explanation now is in order." Romania began as we walked behind France who hesitantly led the way, "____ and I aren't from your time-line, we are from a different one in which you all are probably dead."

"Dead?" England gave a laugh, "Look, I get that the protection spell has been broken, but there is no way we would be dead, we know what we're doing and how dangerous they are."

"Besides, there's no way you were able to pull off that time travelling spell, it's highly difficult." Norway said as he stepped over a strange puddle.

America walked up beside me, "_____?" He called out only to stop in his tracks as his eyes fell to the necklace I had around my neck. He shoved his hands into his pocket, pulling out the same necklace that I was wearing, "W-Where did you get that, dudette?" He asked.

I smiled lightly, playing the necklace in one hand, "Romano found it in a broken pot with a note, the America from my dimension never got the chance to give it to me before he died.." I gulped down the feelings I was having.

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