Hard Out Here

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It All Began With A...

Chapter Nine

Hard Out Here (for a ;)

I pushed the doors open to see everyone, if I go into specifics, there were just a bunch of girls and they were all laughing and sitting on the floor, eating something. Meghan and I exchanged looks but proceeded nevertheless.

"Meghan! _____!" Maddie exclaimed as she jumped up to greet us, she was now wearing pyjamas, I looked over to see the others were in pyjamas as well.

"What's going on?" I asked, getting slightly anxious.

"Nothing much, we were just talking about how different our lives are, and telling jokes!" She replied.

Amber jumped up, "_____!" She shouted, "Uh, y-yeah?" I responded as she charged at me, "At that hot topic, you went to the anime section first, remember?" She asked.

I thought back then nodded, "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well have you ever watched that anime, 'Hetalia?'" She asked, pointing to the others with her eyes.

I looked at everyone and their different attires, then I turned back to Amber and suddenly realisation hit me.

"You've got to be fruking kidding me..." I spoke.

"I was talking to England the whole time... And Norway!" I stated, Amber nodded, "Yeah! I was freaking out the entire time, but hey, you watched Hetalia so how didn't you notice it right away?" She asked.

I bit my bottom lip and turned towards the others who stayed in their circle, talking about I dunno what, I turned back towards Amber, "Ya know, sometimes it isn't someone's first instinct to relate things to an anime when they just get pulled through a television and wake up in a tree house." I said.

"You woke up in a tree house? Sick, we woke up on the ground." Amber replied.

"Well, now that we know, I think that we should just chill for the time being, I mean, this could all be a dream, you know and you don't want to waste it just fangirling the entire time, right?" I smiled.

"Right!" She responded, jumping beside Jaden in the circle, "Come on then!" She motioned me to join.

I sat down beside her and looked around, they all seemed to look like their anime counterpart, just more realistic.. Okay, let's play the name game, that's Belgium, Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Taiwan, Ukraine and Belarus, Hungary, Ireland, Wy... and I don't think I know that last one, "Hey Taiwan, pass me the bag of candy!" She called out, stretching her hand out to reach the bag.

"Who's that?" I asked Maddie, who sat beside me, "That's Vietnam." She replied while chewing on a candy.

"Oh thanks." I replied.

"You want a candy?" She asked me while Taiwan shook her head to Vietnam, "No, because you took half of the candy in the bag!" She complained.

"I only took two, I swear!" Vietnam cried out.

"Oh, no thanks." I responded to Maddie.

"Aww, so you expect me to eat all this poison by myself?" She asked, giggling slightly as she unfolded the bottom of her shirt to reveal the stash of candies she had taken from the bag.

I let out a sigh, "So are there any chocolates?" I asked.

It All Began With A... (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now