Mr. Potato

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It All Began With A...
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Mr. Potato

After I had told Italy and Romano that they were needed and once we paid for their pasta sauce, they took it and ran off.

Hong Kong and I finished a little after that once we were sure we had hit every isle. I carried two bags with chips and drinks while he carried some ingredients he was going to use to make the food.

As we entered the hotel, Jaden called out to me from the second floor balcony, "Hey, _____! Can you come up here for a sec?" She smiled.

I looked over at Hong Kong as we got on the elevator and he nodded as he took the bags I had in my hands and took them into his, "See you later!" I waved, getting off at the second floor.

Jaden stood there, then quickly grabbed my arm, pulling me down the hall then knocking on door A13, Amber opened up, "Welcome to my palace!" She said jokingly.

We entered and there, I saw Romania on the carpet sitting on the opposite side of the coffee table from Meghan and Maddie. On the table sat multiple small bottles in a variety of colours.

"It's a good thing you had enough sense to write all of these things down in your notebook." Romania said cheerfully as he pushed a few small bottles towards the two, "Now just follow the recipe and make is exact in order for it to be the most effective." He then stood up and looked out the window before turning over towards me.

"Hi..." I said ackwardly, making an effort to wave, "Hello, _____, was it?" He asked, smiling.

I nodded, "Yeah, what's all that?" I asked, pointing towards the bottles and what Meghan and Maddie were reading.

"They're potions and they're going to help us later on, it's almost one now, so I'm pretty sure I'm on time." He said, making me curious.

"On time for what?" I asked.

"Well, I suppose nothing will change if I explain myself now, so do you recall how I once mentioned that I was having tea with someone?" He asked.

"Maybe?" I asked, thinking back.

"Hm, well, they told me to do a few things in order to help out in the long run. Now, I know I haven't been here that long for you to trust me, but in the time that I was away, I was gathering my energy so that I will be able to cast this spell later on when the time is right."

"What spell?" I asked.

"It's supposed to close a dimension off." He said nonchalantly, "You see, once England and Norway successfully open up the portal, if everything goes as planned, then it will be te 2ps that will be sent off to another world and not you six... But once we send them through, I'm going to close this dimension off from the others, making it unaccessible so that something like this never happens again."

I could feel shivers running down my back, I know that I should feel happy because we would win in a way, the 2ps would be gone and none of us would be in danger, but I also have a family...

"I'll let all of you thing about it." Romania spoke old enough for everyone to hear, "You will get to chose whether you are going to want to go through that portal before it closes or not."

We all exchanged looks for a moment before I finally gave back a nod.

"Alright then, we have some things to finish right now before Romano gets back here." Romania spoke.

"Why will he come back? Isn't he and Italy supposed to go help the guys out?" I asked.

Romania nodded, "He just gets angry when he sees Germany and he drives back home." He laughed lightly before his eyes lit up slightly, "Romano and you will go together to do a thing, but I'll just explain it when he's here to make things easier.."

It All Began With A... (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now