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A soul floated above the world as time passes on.

Where... am I?

I feel myself hovering in the misty orange sky as my limbs are extended.

It feels like an eternity here.

I only sense calmness. No pain or worry. But something feels missing.

My mind is cloudy, but I do not think of anything. Until something starts to swirl below me. Now I begin to drop, hurling toward the void at the speed of light. I begin to fear.

I have lost myself in darkness. And everything falls into silence.

Suddenly, I come alive. A chance to resume my place in the world.

My eyes fly open as I sit up, loudly gasping to fill my lungs. Like I nearly drowned. I continue panicking as my heart pounds, waking every ends of my body. When I scanned in a cold sweat, the dusk sun shone upon a hospital room I just awakened in. I am hooked up to machines in bed and start to wonder how long I have slept here. And how did I end up here?

I nearly hop out of my skin when the door swings open on my right and a middle-aged woman runs in. When our eyes meet, she puts both hands over her mouth in shock. "I can't believe it!"

I blink with a puzzled look until my memory of her starts to flood in. My dry mouth cracks open and I call out weakly. "M-Mother..."

Overjoyed, she scurries over to seize my hand, leaning over to cup my face. For some reason, she crying. They are tears of joy. How long have I slept here? She must have been worried to death.

Next, a nurse rushes into the room to check on me and my mother watches from the foot of the bed. "Can you state your name and date of birth?" the nurse asks which I show hesitation since the question sounded foreign to me.

"Sina..." I drag as my mind is still clearing up. "And my birthday is... July?"

Both the nurse and my mother come across as concerned. She continues. "What year is it right now?"

I pause, then shake my head. Without another word, the nurse heads for the door until my mother stops her. "I-Is she fine? Has she lost some of her memory from the coma?"

"Coma does not cause memory loss. I can't diagnose her, so I will have to fetch the doctor to come examine further for us." When the nurse exits the room, my mother leans in beside me with a worried look.

I finally ask her since I'm itching to know, "What year is it?"

"It's 2050, Sina," she calmly says, still feeling uneasy at my sudden memory loss. "How are you feeling?"

I lean against the pillows behind me and rub the sleep away from my eyes. My body is so exhausted and I let out a heavy sigh. "I feel like I have woken up from a very long dream."

"You feeling that way would be expected. You were in a coma for six months." My mother informs me, which I find hard to believe. It felt like years. Centuries. Like time never existed.

"And, I'm sorry..." My mother suddenly says and I blink in confusion.

"About what?"

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now