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One Month Later

"You're IT!" A red-haired boy with freckles touches my arm as we play a game of tag in a grassy field next to the orphanage.

"Oh, no! Milo tagged Miss Sina! Run!" A blonde girl named Diana cries out as I start chasing after her little brother named Ray.

"You can't catch me!" Ray taunts, moving with quick feet. He is the fastest runner out of the kids, but not as fast as me. Of course, I have to go easy on them without ruining their fun.

I have been playing with these children this entire afternoon and it brings me joy when I see bright smiles on their faces. Matter of fact, these kids deserve all the happiness.

Milo stops in his tracks to point at something in the distance. "Somebody is coming!"

We all stop running when we hear the neighing of a horse and I glance up to find a scout riding toward the orphanage. I narrow my eyes to focus on the person, only to realize it is Levi.

Much to my relief, Levi is finally back from his month-long expedition, and my heart pounds with excitement. Just seeing him thrilled me to pieces, so I sprinted through the field.

"Levi!" I call out while waving my hand in the air and on the dirt path, his horse stops for him to climb off. Levi is now standing with a warm smile, but that slowly fades away when I toss myself onto him and we crash to the ground.

"Fuck!" Levi cries out, lying on his back and I push up on his body with an uncontrollable smile, seeing his face up close.

"I'm so glad you're back!" I say despite how pissed he is, so he sits up with a frown while holding my waist.

"Sina, you got us fucking dirty." He groans when our clothes are dusted with dirt and we help each other up on our feet again. Levi is patting himself down until I squeeze him into my arms, getting him filthy again.

"Don't you get it? I missed you so much!" I bury my face into his strong neck and our hearts are now pounding against each other. He starts giving in to the feeling, so he wraps his arms around my body for a tighter hug. His heart tells me he missed me too after being separated for a month and he brings a faint blush to my cheeks when his nose breathes on my shoulder.

"That scent..." Levi sniffs, then softly smiles against my neck. "Have you been using that soap I got you?"

I nod and blush even harder when he can't resist sniffing my body. When he breaks the embrace, he scans down to find me wearing the white dress and smirks at how I made myself look presentable to him. "You knew I was coming back."

I huff at him with my arms crossed behind my back, looking down in embarrassment like a child.

"MISS SINAAA!" Milo hollers as he runs down the dirt path along with Diana and Ray. They all approach me with laughter and shortly after, their eyes immediately light up when they see Levi.

"No way! Are you Captain Levy!?" Ray points at Levi until Diana pinches him by the ear for being abruptly rude. Almost everyone inside the walls recognizes him as humanity's strongest soldier, and Levi crosses his arms at them with dull eyes.

"It's Levi, kid." He corrects and lets it slide this time since they are just children. I then turn to Levi to introduce them one by one. "Levi, this is Milo. Diana, and Ray."

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now