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"I'm sorry for taking so long..."

My eyes flew open to find myself in the dim cathedral after hearing a familiar voice that echoed into my ears and everything was a blur, but I tried to locate where that voice came from. At the same time, my head was spinning due to hunger and dehydration, so my body was barely making it throughout each day. I was surprised how far I have gotten without food or water and what I desperately need right now is water.

To my surprise, I feel a cool splash on my face and I gasp loudly at the hydrating feeling. It's water.

Blinking several times, my vision sharpened and I could not believe who was leaning over above me.

"Thank the walls you're alive..." his voice almost sounded raspy, but relieved. "Here, drink up."

"Levi..." I weakly crack a smile, finding myself in his arms once again. I almost believed that I would never see him again. He lifts a flask to my lips so that I can take huge gulps of water and the feeling of water going down my parched throat was one of the best feelings ever. What is even better is when he brings me closer for an embrace. This moment was so warm... to the point where I never wanted to let go. Taking in his scent, I knew this wasn't a dream. It's really him.

My smile faded away when I looked around the dark cathedral and found myself lying down at the altar. I see the lifeless bodies of the followers lying across the apse, forming a river of blood. Not only that, Levi is also painted in fresh blood and he is wearing his 3D maneuver gear. Did he do this? Did he come here alone?

My body was too weak to even remember what had happened and speaking would suck the energy out of me. Levi gently pulls away to stare down at me. "Don't worry, they're dead. Let's get you out of here before more of them find us."

I knew we were still in danger because Lucas was nowhere in sight and he was probably calling reinforcement as we were trying to escape. Levi uses his strength to effortlessly carry me on his back. "Hold on to me tightly."

"There he is!"

Shit, we've been spotted. A handful of followers found us at the alter attempting to escape and they were horrified to see that their fellow members were slaughtered like animals, which they were. Levi lifted his blade with his free hand and pointed at them with a death glare. "You're not my target, so get out of my way or you'll regret it. Consider yourself warned." He threatens. "Where is Lucas?"

"Rot in hell!" One of the followers charges at Levi with a dagger but fails miserably when Levi dodges at full speed despite him carrying me on his back. Levi took this opportunity to kick him right in the face to send the man flying and land in the pool of blood of his deceased members. The others charged at us all together and Levi was not planning to let me go, so he switched to his 3D maneuver gear to grapple us to a pillar where we were far from their reach.

"They're stalling. Let's get out of here before-" Levi was interrupted by a loud bang which sounded like a gun and we both looked down to find the target standing in the middle of the cathedral. "Damn you, Lucas!"

"Hand her over or your life is mine." Lucas was pointing a gun directly at Levi and as stubborn as he is, Levi grappled around the building to dodge his bullets and I clung onto him even tighter out of fear. While there was still time, Levi decided to aim for the window since that was our only way of escaping in a Nick of time, but that idea was stolen away when the last gunshot caused me to scream. There was a searing pain in my right arm and realized I'd been shot, but I knew right away that it wasn't completely fatal.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now