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Wall Rose
Survey Corps Headquarter

[Levi's POV]
The day I heard about Sina going missing made my stomach drop and the guilt grows within me each day. The only trace she left behind was the oil lamp in the forest founded by one of the Survey Corps soldiers. She was abducted for sure because she is not the type to run away without a word. I am positive this is Lucas' doing for his own benefit. I will make that bastard suffer by slicing his throat once I take Sina back.

I have failed as a leader to protect my comrade once again. Will I ever see her again? Dead or alive?

"It's been three days!" I slammed my hands against the wall of Erwin's office, letting out my frustration. "I swear by the walls if she's—"

"She's not dead," Erwin responds with confidence, staring out the window behind his desk with his arms crossed behind his back. He was calm and collected amid an unfortunate event, while I was over here being a useless prick. "I can only assume that the titan cult formed by Lucas is only using Sina as a subject for worshipping."

"But things could turn out badly if she tries to escape..." I clenched my fists against the wall, hoping she wouldn't pull anything stupid. I am used to everyone throwing the burden onto me, and for her, she is my top concern and it's such an unusual feeling. I'd never been this concerned to one of my comrades until I met her. It is slowly driving me insane and I want to find Sina as soon as possible. "I'm going to slaughter every single one of them...!"

"Levi, you mustn't consider that violence is necessary at any stage of reaching our goal." Erwin turns away from the window, only to find me even more remorseful. I just have a great weakness for failure and Erwin sees that through me.

"We all have regrets, Levi, so stop blaming yourself and do what you can do," Erwin tells me. "If you really want to save Sina, you need to follow my commands and stop acting on your own from now on." He is aware that I occasionally lose my calm demeanor and use threats or violence to get others to listen to me, even if they are my fellow members of the corps. I have a habit of thinking independently as well, so I scoffed at him. "You know I prefer to do things my way and make no mistakes. I do not need your shitty commands."

"Whatever is your cup of tea, Levi." Erwin sighed at my remark and sat down in his chair to relax for a moment, and lazing around would not solve anything. "We have no other evidence at the moment, so I will send out more soldiers to actively search for Sina and all we need to do is to be patient and wait for my orders."

Admitting that I am impatient, I silently walked out of the office with clenched fists and shut the door behind me, then stood there with my head bowed and clenched my teeth. "Tch, this is going nowhere..."

I fear I have to admit that Sina either loses her sanity or gets eaten by those monsters... My heart sickens even more. Was I dumb enough to let this happen? Or did I simply rely too much on my careless feelings? That question is probably too late now. But still, I am determined to crush them and bring back the person that is my top priority.


After exiting the headquarters, I need to meet up with my squad. Of course, my squad members are aware of Sina's disappearance and the situation does not sit right with them either. Viktor was showing more emotion than Zaiya and Abel, and unlike him, I know how to mask my own. "How did you let this happen, Captain? Wasn't she with you the same day she disappeared?"

"Are you saying that I did this to her? After all the horrors she went through?" I deadly retorted which made Viktor even more pissed.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now