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Two Weeks Later...

Ever since Levi and the others left for the expedition in Wall Maria, my heart grew more concerned. Two weeks feels like two months, two years even, but I have faith they will return soon. Patience is all I have within me. There is no way to communicate since they are fighting off titans and the best I can do is to wait for their safe return.

The rain outside my room slowed travel and dampened spirits. The only people in this ancient headquarters are a handful of Survey Corp soldiers guarding the area and myself. Ever since Wall Maria was breached, the world looked gloomier as I bitterly recalled the moments of titans overtaking humanity within the walls.

The wisps of violence hung in the air even though we were a long distance away from the titans. The mist in the air had a slight salty taste which reminds me of tears from all the innocent lives lost. Some days went by with crimson skies and it reminded me of the walls painted in blood. As much as I want Levi and everyone else to come back in one piece, I also remain hopeful for many in those horrific events within the walls. It has caused an awakening as discontent and unrest have spread through the world. The battle between humanity and titan echoed loudly in my mind and the aftermath resulted in a bloody conflict on both sides. It is indeed a bloody struggle for humanity as we speak.

As I rest my head on the windowsill, I gradually hear galloping in the distance and I raise my head to find soldiers in their capes, protecting themselves in the rain. My eyes widen in the realization that it must be Levi and the others returning from a long expedition. I'm so astonished that I'm out of words. I make haste without grabbing a coat to cover myself.

Running down the hallways and to the front door, I swing the doors open to reveal the Survey Corps returning to headquarters. My heart starts to slam against my chest because I am so relieved to find Erwin, Hange, Viktor, Zaiya, Abel, and Captain Levi returning in one piece. Their cape is covered in blood is a cruel reminder of how the world is and their 3D maneuver gear slightly tarnished. When I run up to their horses, they notice me waving and shouting in the rain. "You guys are back!"

"Of course, we'd come back." Viktor is cocky as usual and Abel waves back at me. "Sina, you seem to be a lot better!"

"Yeah, she ran pretty fast when she saw us from her window so I assume she's fully recovered by now." Hange teases and Erwin seems to be silent. Despite how relieved they are to return, their eyes say otherwise after what they had witnessed back in Wall Maria. Zaiya seems to be exhausted like everyone else so she moves forward with her horse and heads inside for shelter.

"There's warm food and clothes prepared for you all inside so rest well." I gestured for everybody to head inside as soon as possible, but as for Levi, he wanted to stay with me. When everyone stepped into the headquarters, I shifted my attention over to him and I clenched my fists together.

This time, I am going to finally do it. I wonder what it is like to embrace him.

As I make my way towards him, I raise my head to find his cold, yet gentle eyes staring down at my own and in a flash, he dismounted from his horse and stepped forward to pull me in for an embrace. Despite standing in the middle of a freezing rain, his embrace was so warm that I could melt in his arms. Slowly, I wrap my arms around his strong body and bury my face into his neck. Such an unfamiliar feeling that brings me comfort.

We were both silent as my emotion was bright and clear on my face. I was smiling so hard like my grin was going to rip out of my face, but it wasn't excitement, it was just pure ecstasy. I want this moment to last forever until Levi pulls me away and we look at each other... finding peace in our eyes. He even gives me a slight smile yet soft... a smile only for me. No one else ever sees it.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now