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[Levi's POV]

I do not know what overcame me last night, but it is even more embarrassing the more I recall. Sina saw a new side of me that very moment when I confessed my true feelings and it is impossible to forget the shape of her lips. I usually have control over my emotions, but when it comes to her, she makes me go insane for all the good reasons. It feels like I have more to live for, all because of her.

This morning, the Military Police has been summoned to the Survey Corps Headquarters and Sina is about to depart soon. Of course, I will be accompanying her along the way to the Capital Mitras, and aside from being her captain, she trusts me the most.

I wait for her at the headquarters' entrance and Erwin stands next to me. "Levi."

"What?" I respond bluntly.

"I have noticed how differently you act around, Sina." Erwin suddenly brings up, which causes me to glare at him. It makes me curious as to why he is saying all of this to me.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, trying to keep a straight face.

"Every time you see her, you get out of your comfort zone just to be with her. You are quite expressive when she is with you and it looks like you have grown soft because of that. Is there something about Sina that makes her stand out?"

"That's a bunch of nonsense," I say defensively. "Self-expression is not my strong suit. And I do my best to avoid forming personal relationships."

"Well, your eyes say otherwise. When she looks at you, does it not affect you at all?" Erwin brings up, knowing Sina is someone to whom I devote myself.

"Well, I have this unexplainable feeling every time I am with her." I let out, feeling vulnerable at this point.

Erwin puts a hand on my shoulder. "Levi, just listen to what your heart tells you. I know it's not easy to confess, but Sina deeply cares about you."

"Is it because I'm not experienced enough?" I ask since I am not the best with words, unlike Erwin. "I'm trying... really. But nobody recognizes that."

"Not even Sina?"

I paused for a moment, then relaxed my shoulders. "Well, she's different."

Erwin sighs at me. "You really could use some pointers on understanding human emotions, Levi. You are cold on the outside, but pretty thoughtful on the inside. I am glad Sina can see through that."

"What's gotten into you? Got a lover or something?" I suddenly change the topic about me and shift it over to Erwin, which takes him by surprise. Erwin takes a moment to think until there is a bittersweet smile on his face. "I once loved somebody until I had to make the most important decision of my life..."

"What a pity." I did not want to push it since it sounds personal. But now that I think about it, he chose to fight for humanity over his lover. That is a huge sacrifice to make indeed. "Is this really how you want to live?"

"Well, who knows how long we are going to live. If we become stronger, will our future become more promising?" Erwin asks. "If you have a lover now, think about how you want to spend the rest of your life with her. Will you become kinder? More compassionate?"

When I first met Sina, I didn't fall in love. She was only my comrade in my eyes. After some time, this weird feeling towards her started to blossom. Never had I felt this kind of sensation in my heart. As time went on, I liked everything about her. Her voice, her smile, her eyes, the way she talked... everything made me go crazy about her. The most beautiful thing about her is her heart, and it is obvious that I have fallen in love.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now