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[Sina's POV]

Nothing eventful happened in the Survey Corps Headquarters besides keeping ourselves busy indoors as the harsh winter went by. It is nearly impossible to lay down necessary supplies from Wall Rose to Trost District, where many refugees from Wall Maria and Shiganshina District reside. The scouts plan on preparing to seal the breach and reclaim Wall Maria when the time is right, but having to wait is dreadful.

On my end, I finished reorganizing some documents in the library and finally stretched my arms in the air. The satisfying feeling of getting the job done sooner than expected is highly rewarding, so I decided to spend the rest of the night with some entertainment. I will say the only entertainment around here are books and Levi. I am curious about him because he has been hiding in his office, so that gives me a reason to invite myself.

After some navigating around the building, I find the door that leads to his office and gently, I knock twice. "Levi?"

No response. So I knock thrice. Nothing.

I was a little shocked because he usually responds, so I intrude by twisting the knob and pushing the door open to discover the most unexpected sight.

I am in awe to find Levi with his head down on the desk, sleeping in peace. Candles in the room are dimly lit and papers are sprawled around him, assuming he worked for long hours. Ever so slightly, I shut the door behind me and silently walked to see if he was asleep.

This is the very first time finding him sleeping so effortlessly because oftentimes he is too stubborn to even close his eyes. It is safe to say he gave up fighting it. Up close, his even breath and relaxed demeanor were a change from usual. Even his sleeping face has a tragic feeling to it.

It was late at night; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and the candle on his desk was nearly burnt out. By the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull silver eyes of his crack open; he breathed out softly, and his eyes met mine. Seeing my unexpected presence, he jolts up in confusion and I speak up.

"S-Sorry! I wasn't trying to do anything!" I wave defensively, hoping he will believe me but instead, he looks at me menacingly.

"Really? Only a creep like you would watch a tiny old man in his thirties sleep."

I roll my eyes at his rude comment, then point at the mess on his desk. "Well, you seem awfully busy."

"Tch," Levi sits up straight in his chair to seem more awake, but his tired eyes tell me otherwise. "I'm not complaining."

Honestly, I pity him for being an overworked squad captain of the Survey Corps. I highly respect his sacrifices and efforts, but it is difficult to watch when he pushes it. That's just the way he is. I can tell at this very moment, that he desperately wants to fall into a deep slumber until all titans become zero.

"Would you like me to bring you anything?" I ask out of courtesy just to make his night a little better, but he shakes his head. "Alright, I'll let you get back to work."

Levi groans uncontrollably, running his fingers through his hair to push them back, revealing more of his stunning face despite how tiresome he may seem. "It's so unfair for me to work on a day like this." he then heaves a long sigh, leaning back in his chair. "Fucking great... guess I'm finally complaining."

"Levi..." I am loss for words because I can certainly feel his frustration and stress.

Levi then rambles on. "I was fine filling up cracks in my life with work since I don't have anyone to spend time with. But then you had to show up." He was a bit embarrassed at this point, not wanting to admit that he was lonely.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now