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Three Weeks Later
Capital Mitras

Tonight, there is an engagement party taking place in the throne room and I have no choice but to attend as I am to be the King's wife. The maids in the room helped me dress aptly for the event and apply a little amount of makeup without covering up my natural features. Once my hair is tied into a low bun, I stare at myself in front of a tall mirror and indeed, I look like a queen in such a beautiful red gown. But this isn't who I am.

Soon, Marcel escorts me out of the room and of course, I hold a grudge against him to this day. "You look rather lovely tonight, Sina. You look just like your mother."

I remain silent, not wanting any complaints from him. Now that he mentioned my mother, there were times when I think about her, and my mind gets interrupted when we arrive at the doorway that leads to the throne room. I hear a large crowd waiting inside and Marcel insists on holding his right elbow out to me, and without a word, I slowly take his arm as the Military Police officers open the doors.

A thunderous applause surrounds us when I make an appearance in the throne room and people around us are dressed expensively, knowing these are the residents and nobles of Wall Sina. As we make our way down the red carpet, Marcel bade me sit on a very rich throne next to King Fritz, who has been waiting for me this whole time. The King is dressed nicely for once as he is wearing a red robe with a gold crown that sits on his head. His white beard is nicely trimmed and he no longer reeks of alcohol. He's more put together today, and this is the first time I've seen him fully awake.

As the cheering goes on, Marcel loudly clears his throat and stands before the huge crowd, patiently waiting for the noise level to simmer down before he announces something.

"My dear people of the walls, those with a cup in hand and those without, raise your glasses and hands in celebration!" He praises, lifting a silver cup of wine, causing the whole room to cheer once more with their glass raised in the air as well. "We, who have been chosen by the walls, now have no enemy to fear! Let's also welcome my daughter, Sina, to the nation of the noble and acknowledge the value and significance of her sacrifice for humanity!"

The people all rejoice as they raise their cups at me to pay respect and Marcel continues. "There are a lot of things here to celebrate this auspicious day! In the walls, King Fritz shall be engaged to the beautiful Sina! And with his beloved, we will start a promising journey together!" Marcel then looks back to find my dull expression, not finding any joy in this celebration and he turns to the crowd again. "Let the walls set out the fate of both the king and his future queen! For the walls!"


Their voices ring through the world and it disgusts me to the core that they are being ignorant of the horrifying events taking place within Wall Maria and Wall Rose. Soon after, people come up to the thrones to bring various treasures of gold and rich clothing in diverse colors for King Fritz and myself. I have no interest in these valuable things and after they had given us plenty, the celebration goes on and my patience is running dry. I then think to myself... why am I still here?

I just wish to see Levi.


It is close to midnight and everybody finally leaves the event to call it a night. King Fritz and I remain on our throne, and the king himself is obviously out of it after having too many drinks. Quiet footsteps echo through the great hall until servants rush in to welcome their king and future queen, each one separately. "Your Excellency, would you like us to take these back to your room?" One of them offers and the king waves, gesturing them to scurry.

"No... I want to stay here with my treasures..." King Fritz slurs, his greedy heart blinded by ecstasy. He had been obsessed with this day, imagining all the ways it could go, but now, he just wants to enjoy everything that was given to him on his throne. The servants then leave the room.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now