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Fifteen Years Later...

Year 844
Mitras, the capital city of Eldia

Looking back at it now, my father, Aziel Vogel, saved many people... including me.

That day when he brought me into his life, he raised me as his own child in his mansion and we now live peacefully together. I have nobody but him.

The mansion is silent because he hired no maids nor butlers, except the Military Police that he hired would guard the place. Though I am not allowed to form a bond with anyone inside the mansion, I feel lonely. All I know is that my father has connections with the royal government and he is also the King's doctor.

People within Wall Sina knew about him raising me as a titan's child, but he was the only person who didn't see a titan through me. Just his beloved daughter.

I, Sina Vogel, am twenty years old and most of the time, I stay in my room while my father is working.

My father usually works outside of the mansion or in his basement, so I hardly see him sometimes depending on how busy he is. Speaking of his basement, he warned me to never go down there... but he never told me the reason. I do not question it because I respect his work and privacy.

I spend most of my time in my bedroom, reading countless books my father had shelved for me so I can learn about the outside world, including myself.

I'm interested in the outside world, but my father and I would never reach an agreement about me leaving the walls. There are no records at all, even looking through the books. All I know is that titans are wandering about, and it is not where humans can live peacefully.

To this day, everyone still thinks of me as a titan's child, but my father proved them wrong while raising me. I sometimes wonder if he ever saw me as a titan rather than his daughter, but that does not matter. He accepted me into humanity and that is all that matters.

I know deep down that I am different from those man-eating monsters. People believed that once I grew older, I would start eating humans within the walls, but I never once tasted human flesh. This proves that I am human because I still have control over myself.

But what are titans? I always asked myself. I want to meet one... to confirm that I am not a titan's child!

"Sina, may I enter?" my father calls out from the other side of my bedroom door and I close a book on my lap, calmly sitting on my bed.

"Come in."

My smile greeted him as he entered the room and he smiled back. "What are you reading?"

"It's called the Caged Bird," I answered. "No matter how many times I read it, I somewhat emphasized with the story."

"Do you still feel that way?" his voice was concerned yet so caring and I shook my head. "I am free thanks to you, Father."

His smile grew brighter because, to him, it was very relieving.

The story itself is so old yet intense. That beautiful bird had her freedom taken away by the hands of a selfish hunter and wasted away without having the chance to live her life to the fullest.

Poor thing. I think to myself, knowing what it feels like to be trapped in a cage and have her freedom taken away.

"You're special, Sina." he complimented me. "Ever since I first accepted you as my daughter, you started applying yourself to reading and simply making up for all the meaningless days that you had spent in that dark cell."

"It's all because I needed to live on. Reading is like an escape from reality, you know?" For all these years with him, I've spent all my effort studying and learning about the cruel world we live in. And most importantly finding myself.

"Sina, no matter what, you will always be my daughter." He then pats my head. "You're free to make your own decisions and you're very clever."

"Not as clever as you..." I mumble under my breath. "I'm sorry, father. You sacrificed your own life just to raise me and now everyone looks down on you."

"Please, Sina. That was my choice," he tells me. "I don't let people's opinions control me and my daughter. We're both the same."

For some reason, I wanted to tear up because I was so moved by his words. The guilt that built up inside me is slowly fading away and now, my heart feels lighter.

My father is a talented doctor. From citizens to soldiers, he saved countless lives and gained attention from the royal family in Mitras. The king of the walls then hired my father and paid him handsomely, but money never interested him.

Mitras, the heart of Eldia, holds all the human resources from politics to economics and is also known as the capital city of the three walls: Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and lastly, the wall furthest away from the danger of the blood-thirsty titans is Wall Sina. It is the innermost wall that protects the kingdom where the king and wealthy aristocrats reside, protected by the Military Police serving under the royal government.

Mitras is a busy yet vibrant city. From afar, I usually see elegant men and women stroll around the streets with their chins held high in extravagant clothing and children receive expensive gifts from their parents. With matte suits and flowing dresses of all sorts of colors, the people painted the town with such liveliness.

I have my father's consent to leave the mansion but with the Military Police. Most of the time, I refuse to leave and lock myself in my bedroom.

"By the way, dinner is ready. Let's continue our conversation downstairs."

During his free time, my father would always prepare dinner for me. For some reason, he never lets me cook unless he is very busy. He sometimes dislikes what I cook, but that's because I'm still learning.

At the dinner table, we both sit on opposite ends of the wooden table. The candles flicker beautifully between us as we eat in silence.

"Are you enjoying your steak, Sina?" my father suddenly asked with a soft smile. "The market was selling fresh meat and I bought plenty for us to share."

I set my fork and knife down after taking another bite of the meat. "I think this is the best steak I've ever eaten so far."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." he chuckled, then took a sip of his red wine. "You usually don't eat a lot of meat since it makes you sick, but I'm glad you're enjoying your meal."

I am honestly surprised as well. The meat was never my favorite, but tonight is an exception. Also, meat is very expensive within the walls because some animals are scarce produce. His cooking is excellent as always, so it never disappoints me.

"Next time, I'll serve meatloaf and some vegetables to go with it. It'll probably help with your appetite."

"Then, I'm looking forward to it." I giggled at him.

He raised his glass of wine and I did the same, so we could do a small toast for the night. I twirled my wine glass before taking a generous sip.

Alcohol is also very expensive and not everyone can afford the highest quality outside of Wall Sina.

On every wall, we are separated by class and social status. To me, the society we live in is corrupted. If titans were ever to invade the walls, the lower classmen in the outer walls would be eaten first. No matter where we live, there is always a horde of titans beyond the walls waiting for their next meal.

That is why... I am willing to risk everything to venture out and meet a titan. The only way to leave the walls is by joining the Survey Corps, but I'm sure Father would be against that.

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Thanks for reading!

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