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Wall Sina
Capital Mitras

It has been two days since I was ripped away from my freedom, and the only person that makes me feel that way is Levi. I am once again living without his presence. When I was abandoned in the Underground District, I was used to being without him, but now, this is different. I miss him with every fiber of my being and I wish to see him. He is already returning to Wall Rose and soon enough, the Survey Corps will be heading out for another expedition.

In this castle, I caged myself in a royal bedroom given to me by Marcel and also received a bundle of lavishing gowns and jewelry from King Fritz. I have lost some noble qualities and etiquettes necessary to befit a lady and have forgotten proper ways to communicate to nobles ever since I became a scout. Seeing myself in a dress again is somewhat abnormal as well.

For this morning, two servants were sent to my room to help me get dressed. In front of a tall standing mirror, I raise my arms and suck in a deep breath when one of the servants wraps a corset around my waist, then tightens it with a quick tug of the strings. My body is definitely not used to this kind of clothing and the servants finally help me slip on a silky, pale blue gown with gold linings around the neckline. Lastly, I slip on a pair of tall heels to match the gown.

"Lady Sina, you have not eaten for two days and your body is quite slim." One of the servants shows her concerns to me and I am visibly still upset from the day I got separated from Levi, which is also the reason why I refuse to eat. I also see the misfortunes of the servants for having to serve under the King, and I can tell they are being mistreated by nobles due to the visible scars and bruises. My only assumption is that these female servants were stripped away from their families by human traffickers and were sold to the King.

Knowing that the King is eagerly waiting for me to join him for breakfast, I sigh in defeat knowing that my stomach has been rumbling for the longest time and need to cooperate for now. If I starve myself to death, Levi's efforts will be all for nothing. I just need to endure.

I finally agree to leave the bedroom as the servants escort me through the castle halls and the clicking of my heels echoes around. Along the way, I was greeted with a bow by the Military Police officers on duty and I returned the greeting with a nod. When we arrive at the dining room, the servants open the two tall doors and I step inside to find King Fritz sitting in a gold chair at the far end of the dining table. Marcel, of course, was standing next to the King and he greeted me with a smile. "Good morning, Sina. It's nice to see you finally joining us."

The servants close the doors behind me and I give him a slight nod. "The pleasure is all mine."

When I walk over to the long dining table covered in an elegant white cloth, a servant pulls out a chair for me opposite from the King and I silently take a seat. Glancing down at the table, the shiny silverware is laid out neatly in front of me, and can see my own reflection in them.  I then looked back up to find King Fritz staring into my soul with those dark eyes from across the table which almost sent chills down my spine. "You look lovely this morning. Do you like the dresses I picked out for you?" He asks me since I am wearing one of them and I ball up my fists in anger.

"I do not care for these dresses. You took away my uniform and I have no choice but to wear them."

"There is no point in wearing that uniform anymore," Marcel says with contempt. "No Queen should wear such a thing."

Suddenly, the doors open behind my seat and a female servant in her teens pushes a cart of food to the dining table. The cart stops next to King Fritz and the servant serves a plate of freshly cooked food in front of him. The pleasant smell of the food wakes the King up a little more and lastly, the servant serves me a plate. Immediately, I see something on the plate that turns my skin pale and cold. It is meat.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now