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My eyes flew open to find a ceiling and the room spun around me.

I thought I had lost my sanity and my hearing began to hallucinate, or maybe it was all just a mere dream. With my hand, I pinch my side discreetly just to make sure I was dead or alive. It turns out to be a reality. Looking down, I was wearing an oversized shirt, wondering who it belonged to.

"She's awake!"

A feminine voice squeals on my right side and it turns out to be the girl from earlier. "Those perverts must've punched you really hard, huh?"

I was met with grins: one from her and the silver-blonde man who was sitting on a sofa beside the couch I was resting in.

"I don't know..." That was the only sentence I could utter in this daze. My hair probably looks like a rat's nest right now.

"You're still in pain." he reads my face before leaving his seat. "I'll go fetch you some water."

Watching him leave the sofa, the girl puts a wet towel over the bruise on my cheek to ease the pain and I take it into my hand. "Thank you..."

She pities me. "You poor thing. Are you injured anywhere else?"

I shake my head in response, then she abruptly smiles, giving off bright energy to kill the bitter atmosphere. "By the way, I'm Isabel! Nice to meetcha!" Isabel stretches a hand out in front of me, but I almost forgot how to greet back. Slowly, we shake hands and by the time we let go, the blondie returns to hand me a cup of clean water and cracks a smile to appear more friendly.

"I'm Farlan," he tells me in a welcoming manner. "And you?"

To my surprise, they simply told me their names to a complete stranger like me. I guess it is safe to say these people do not seem harmful, so I shyly introduce myself.

"Sina." I softly spoke. "Sina Vogel."

"Sina? Like Wall Sina?" Isabel questioned since my name somehow piqued her curiosity and I gave her a slight nod.

"Feel free to stay as long as you want. If you need anything, don't be shy to ask." Farlan smiles once more to relieve my stress a bit.

"Yeah! We don't bite!" Isabel takes my hand between her palms. "As long as we have aniki around, you'll be safe with us!"

"I am against it."

The dark voice came from the doorway and it appeared to be the black-haired freak who saved me in the dark alley. He was leaning against the front door with his arms crossed and his cold stare made me feel inadequate. "I've spent so much time cleaning this house and now she's getting the couch dirty."

"Levi!" Farlan suddenly raised his voice at him, trying to defend me but he didn't have to do that. "I understand how much you care about keeping the house clean, but don't treat her like filth!"

"We don't just leave her alone in the alley! She needs us!" Isabel convinced him, and I remained silent.

So his name is Levi.

"Look at her hands. They're covered in blood."

I bit my lip, furrowing my brows together ever so slightly, as my dark orbs wandered about the corners of the room. I tried not to stare down at my hands, and at the same time, I wanted to fade away. The seed of guilt growing inside me is unbearable at this point and I am no longer the same person as before.

"So what happened to you?" Farlan asked, but I pursed my lips together. Bringing up the past makes me want to vomit, but I conceal my feelings for now.

If I tell them the truth, will they get rid of me?

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now