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After that meeting, the day continues... and we are now going straight into training with the Survey Corps.

Inside the supply cabin, I throw on my gear, my heart still thundering in my chest against my ribcage. After what I've said to Viktor, I still feel nervous. Maybe it's because I'm suddenly remembering myself getting nearly eaten by a pure titan that one day. After stocking the blades and gas canisters onto my gear, I took the straps and started from my chest, clipping them securely, and reached down for my thighs to tighten everything up. Lastly, I put on a pair of boots.

Behind me, I hear footsteps and someone enters the cabin.


I knew it was Levi, so I turned around with a pained smile, remembering how lucky I was to be alive just to see his presence.

"What's with that look on your face? Is that how you greet your captain?" he crossed his arms at me with a cold expression, but I didn't take him seriously.

I pouted slightly. "I thought you didn't want to be a captain..."

"Well, I didn't have a choice." Levi seemed very relaxed, yet still exuding an air of dominance. "Whether you like it or not, I shall live as your captain. This is the only way you can remain by my side."

I was touched by his words since he is concerned about me and this is the only way he can protect me. Protecting me is the sole reason that he is living.

"Starting today, you and the others will have to follow my orders."

"Yes, sir!" I playfully saluted to him, and he cringed, giving me a distasteful look. "Don't give me that."

"Well, what am I supposed to call you then?"

"S-Since you're close to me, you have an exception." Levi shyly turned away, almost embarrassed. "Just my name will suffice..."

A flustered coat of red made its way onto my cheeks as I gazed down. I never thought he considered me as a trusted friend and it somewhat made my heart flutter. The normally sullen look on his face said everything, it was a look filled with nothing and yet everything. He just stood there, stunned at how I reacted. From here, I was used to seeing Levi's usual bored expression. So filled with anger, hate, and sadness...


Our minds snap back to reality when we hear someone screaming outside the cabin and suddenly, the door slams open behind Levi. My eyes widened when a tall soldier stepped into the cabin with a wide grin. "Oh, sorry! Am I interrupting you two?"

"What do you want now shitty four-eye!?" Levi seems annoyed upon her arrival here and I stare at them in confusion, wondering what their relationship is between them.

"Wait, is that the new girl!?"

My body tensed up when she ran up to me, weirdly sniffing around and observing me which made me feel uneasy. She had so much excitement and curiosity within her, and I remained still as she continued to squish my cheeks. "My, my... what a beauty! I even heard a lot about you! People said you were known as the titan's child! Is that true!?"

"I-I uh..." I couldn't make up any words until Levi stepped in between us to get her off me.

"Cut it out, Hange!" Levi pulls her away and she starts to whine at him. "Aw, come on! Can I at least do a quick research on her!?"

"You smell like pig shit, so fuck off!" Levi shooed her away, but she pouted even more. She is not willing to give up on me it seems and I was even more concerned about her than afraid. She must be some kind of scientist within the Survey Corps and I'm worried that one day she'll dissect me alive.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now