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Two Days Later
Capital Mitras

Sunset fell to the accompaniment of darkness as it filled my hollow bedroom. As of now, I am getting used to these lonely nights.

My bedroom window is slightly open to let in fresh air through the crack and I silently sit on the windowsill to admire the twilight with a few speck of stars. I wonder if Levi is seeing this beauty from where he's at. In this peaceful moment, my mind gets interrupted by a loud bang in the distance outside my window and it almost sounds like a gunshot.

I alarmingly raised my head to figure out where the noise had come from, but the intensity slowly died out with time. I do not put much thought into it, thinking it is all just in my head until... I spot two figures running outside my window. The suspicious two are sprinting into the king's territory and they seem to be an outsider judging by their clothes. They are fleeing from the armed Military Police and as the two get closer in my vision, they are both wearing a 3D maneuver gear and my eyes widen when I realize who they really are.

Viktor... and Zaiya?

Of course, they can outrun the Military Police, so at this moment, I hop off the windowsill to hurriedly lift open my window all the way. "VIKTOR! ZAIYA!" I shout, hoping it won't draw too much attention and their heads glance up to find me waving at them. Their expressions changed in an instant. Almost like they're happy to see me alive.

"Sina!" Viktor waves back along with Zaiya. "Stay there! We're coming up!"

"Quick!" I cry out, hoping the Military Police do not catch up to them anytime soon. Also, my bedroom is a few stories high, so grappling up to the window should not be a problem for them.

As Viktor and Zaiya are getting closer to me, he suddenly sweeps Zaiya off the ground to carry her, and with the handgrips, he shoots his grappling hooks onto each side of my window. With enough gas power, Viktor and Zaiya fly right into my bedroom and I immediately slam the window shut, then draw the curtains to keep us hidden.

When I turn around to face Viktor and Zaiya, my heart beats so rapidly I feel I would choke. They too, feel the same way, and with teary eyes, I rush over to give them a warm embrace, holding each other tightly. "I can't believe it... You guys are really here."

"We're glad you're still alive." Zaiya wears a bittersweet smile and then scans me from head to toe. "Have you... lost some weight?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine." I promised, then I glanced at Viktor who was also smiling. As much as I am relieved, I also feel guilt rushing in since they are risking their lives just to save me from this mess. "I'm glad you guys found me, but... you're not supposed to be here."

"We're aware," Viktor says so casually, which worries me. No one had sent them, none of the officials; they came of their own accord.

"What about Levi? And Abel?" I ask with a slight panic, wondering if they are here as well. My hope gets crushed when they both shake their heads in response.

"Only Abel knows that we're here," Zaiya adds. "Levi got injured from the expedition, but he's still recovering."

My heart aches when I hear about Levi, but at least he is safe and sound. And besides that, what Viktor and Zaiya are doing is against the military law. Once we all return to the Survey Corps, there will be heavy consequences waiting for them and they are prepared to face it ahead of time. Not only that, having to deal with the royal government. Our conversation is cut short when we hear voices outside my window and they belong to the Military Police searching for Viktor and Zaiya, describing their appearances to each other.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now