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Commander Erwin, along with Levi and myself, are evacuating to the Survey Corps Headquarters located in Wall Rose. The headquarters in Wall Maria is no longer safe due to the invasion of the titans and Erwin wishes to avoid danger for now. Right when we arrive through the gate of Wall Rose from Trost District, Erwin leads us to the Survey Corps Headquarters on our horses.

I will say... the city within Trost District and Wall Rose are completely crowded, assuming the refugees from Wall Maria are trying to flee from the titans. The population is increasing within Wall Rose, and human needs are probably limited by now. As we try to get past the crowd of refugees on the street, I see many children cry, begging for food while their families are demanding to stay. Many people are fighting, sobbing, and ignoring everything because they have already lost faith in humanity. I can hear the fear and pain in their voices, but the civilians of Wall Rose and the military are being defensive against them. Their eyes are red not only from restless sleep but also from the horror they witnessed the man-eating titans. Since countless refugees are fleeing from Wall Maria, there is nothing they can do for them at this point.

"We're almost there," Erwin tells me and we quickly move alongside him.

Not long after, I see a modern castle with a flag draping over it that symbolizes the Wings of Freedom, assuming this is one of the Survey Corps Headquarters. On our horses, we were stopped by a military man, who seemed to be high in command because of his badges. That's when I also realized he is from the Military Police so I try to hide my identity under my cloak. Levi glances over at me, probably judging the way I'm acting right now.

"Don't worry," Erwin reassures me all of a sudden. "This is a close friend of mine."

"Nile Dok, Commander of the Military Police. Erwin told me about you already. Sina Vogel, correct?" the man in front of us introduced himself to me, and I slowly stole a glance at him under my hood to nod. To my surprise, he was the first to act kindly to me. "Listen, I may be a part of the Military Police, but the system of command is different here from other districts. Plus, Erwin is a friend of mine, so I hope you don't see me as a threat."

It was such a relief to hear and my shoulders could finally relax, so I dropped them with a deep breath after holding it for so long. Since this is the commander of the Military Police, this makes my job less difficult for me and now I don't have to worry as much. But I also wonder why this man named Nile Dok is here.

"Erwin, we need to talk." Nile suddenly wants to have a word with Erwin.

"Sure, Nile." Erwin nods, and they face us. "You two, come with us."

"I'm afraid we can't bring them," Nile warned him, not trying to seem rude. "This is a private matter we're speaking... between two commanders. This topic relates to the royal government and Wall Maria."

"I'm pretty sure Levi and our new scout deserve to know." Erwin defended. "They need to understand so they can also succeed in saving humanity."

Nile had to think about it until he finally gave in because of Erwin's words. "Fair enough... come with me."

We all got off our horses to enter the Survey Corps Headquarters with Nile. The hallways were silent and all I saw were statues carved into heroes that symbolize humanity, which I assume were a part of the Survey Corps many decades ago. It surprises me how long the Survey Corps has been around as I read the years of each statue.

We finally reach the end of the hallway to enter a meeting room and we all take a seat around the table. This time, I sit next to Erwin and of course, Levi wishes to have his personal space so he sits at the far end of the table, opposite Nile who is sitting at the other end next to Erwin and me.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now