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Two Weeks Later

For some time, I have been separated from Levi by the walls. I tend to keep myself company, but every day always ended without him by my side. I feel the emptiness grow inside me. I hold onto the recollection of that night and the bittersweet feeling flows through my veins each time I think about it. Levi left me to save humanity and I do not blame him for it, because they need a strong soldier like him. Perhaps this is a difficult lesson to learn when it comes to love. Once this battle between humanity and the titans comes to an end, we can spend our lives together freely.

It is my day off at the orphanage and I usually indulge myself in some romance novels or sharpen my ballet skills to keep my mind away from all the worries. Though it is impossible at times, I can't resist waiting for his return by the living room window. Today, I have decided to recreate the vegetable stew back in the trainee days. This stew will definitely bring back memories of my friends when we used to share a hearty meal after gruesome training. To this day, a meal without them no longer feels or tastes the same.

As I prepare the ingredients in the kitchen, there is a sudden knocking at the front door and my skin turns pale since I am not expecting any visitors. I do not make a sound while holding my breath, and as the knocking continues, it leaves me no choice but to grab a small knife. When I tiptoe to the door with the knife behind my back, I swallow a lump down my throat. "W-Who is it?"

The person on the other side heaves a sigh. "It's me."

My heart ventures through the walls when I recognize that voice and a smile forms on my lips as I hastily unlock the door before swinging it open. As I imagined, the person standing in front of me was Levi.

Our eyes are locking into each other and without holding back, I drop the knife and throw my arms around his neck. I did not expect Levi to return a week early from his long expedition, so I seized this moment to breathe all of him in. As usual, he smells like the sun. Levi smiles softly against my neck, then brings my body closer. "I bet you weren't expecting to see me so soon." He whispers. "I wanted to find the right moment to surprise you."

I let out a breathy laugh. "Well, that surprise almost got you killed."

Levi notices the knife on the floor next to my foot and he chuckles. "I'll do a better job next time."

I push on his chest and the weight on my heart disappears when he simply stares into my eyes. Of course, his eyes are tired and his body is slightly leaning against me. He is exhausted, but he is attempting to hide it from me.

He is finally back on my side and I am overwhelmed with relief. "I'm so glad you're back..."

Levi is also relieved knowing I have been living peacefully in Wall Rose. He is also hiding something behind his back until he reveals it between us. In his hand is a small bundle of freshly picked daisies and he blushes by the ear. "I picked these on my way here since they look as beautiful as you, so I want you to have them."

I feel my cheeks warm up at his words and stare at the daisies. I carefully take the daisies from his hand and bring them to my lips to hide my cheeky smile. "Thank you... these are so lovely."

Levi is glad to hear that and next, he steps into the cabin and I close the door behind us. He bends over to pick up the knife to twirl it in between his fingers. "If you do try to kill me next time, try using a bigger knife."

I laugh at him while walking over to the dining table, and placing the daisies into an empty vase. "I know you're exhausted. Why don't you go dress down and sleep in my bed?"

"Right away." Levi wastes no time and does exactly that.

As the afternoon goes by, the stew is almost finished and the nostalgic smell brings me comfort. I cut the potatoes into the pot with a blank stare, thinking how I would spend precious time with Levi now that he is here for who knows how long. I even left some tea on the bedside table so he could help himself once he was awake. I now take a wooden ladle to stir the pot until I feel strong arms snake around my waist from behind and feel a cool breath on my neck.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now