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One Week Later
Survey Corps Headquarters

After learning about Abel's knowledge of the outside, I will act in my own authority to see it for myself. It gives me another reason to venture out beyond the walls aside from fighting titans. It is beyond devastating when Abel is murdered by the government, only to my knowledge. I do not know how they dug up his secrets, but that is just how unavoidable they are. Speaking of the government, there are sleepless nights when I think about Freya and the slaves. I just despise how things ended between us, but I pray for their safety inside the capital.

In my room, I stare at my gloomy self in a mirror and notice my hair is too long for my liking. I take a pair of scissors and gather my hair together before snipping away. When I cut it to my desired length, I look in the mirror again to find a different version of myself. Now my hair is down to my shoulders and this will possibly help me from easily being recognized by the Military Police.

With a refreshing new look, I travel to Levi's office and knock a couple of times at the door.

"Who the hell is it?" I hear him groan in annoyance like he hasn't had his afternoon tea break yet. I invite myself into the office and right when his eyes land on me, his expression softens, holding his gaze at me. "Why did you cut your hair?"

"Does it not suit me?" I feel embarrassed since he wouldn't stop staring, or more like admiring until he clears his throat.

"It suits you..." Levi shyly admits while looking down at the documents sprawled across his desk.

I slowly walk over to where he is sitting behind his desk and this time, I frown with hesitation, because what I am about to say will truly make him worry out of his mind. "Listen, there's something you need to know..." I stretch out my words, making him a little impatient since he has things to do, so I pinch my hand to spill it out. "I've been thinking about leaving for now."

His eyes widen in shock and confusion. "Leaving? What for?"

"I just have something to deal with... so whatever you do, don't come looking for me."

"What the hell are you yapping about all of a sudden?" Levi growls. "You told Erwin you wanted to continue your service, so what happened from there? And not look for you? What kind of shitty plan are you plotting this time?"

"This is all for Abel!" I shout at him and now my eyes are watering again. I need to leave to dig out the truth about the walls... about the outside.

"I don't get it..." Levi seems lost, not knowing what my intentions are.

"Abel had a dream." I finally confess. "But his life was cut short when the government murdered him."

"The government?" Levi pauses, wondering how I know about this. "So you knew this whole time? Why didn't you tell me?"

Now I feel guilty for not filling him in on everything, but I have my reasons. "I..."

"You think I can't take them down?" Levi adds, feeling a little offended. It is not that I doubt his abilities; seeking out the truth will get anybody killed. That is why I am willing to do it myself so nobody else suffers from it.

"That's not it." I corrected. "I can't have you get involved with the government again..."

I fall into silence again when he leans back in his chair, rubbing his face in frustration. "I don't understand why you want to go against the government on your own. Is this to avenge your dead friends? Also, venturing further outside the walls makes you more of a fucking lunatic than you already are..." Levi moves his hand away from his face. "Seriously, Sina. What the hell is going on here? Is there something else you're not telling me?"

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now