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Everything was black again. No voices or sounds.

Am I... dead?

An audible creak disrupts my slumber and my eyes are rounded up in horror when I find myself scanning every corner of an unfamiliar building.

The architectural form of the interior was very complex along with beautiful scenes from nature, its lofty dome high up in the ceiling, and stained glass with faces of imaginary beings, beautiful or demoniacal. The remarkable size of the building was decorated with many designs and sculptures, both in stone and wood. Seats were stretching from the main entrance to an apse at the other end containing the raised altar where I found myself laying on a communion table. I awoke in a mighty cathedral.

My mouth hangs open, wondering why I am in such a place in the middle of nowhere. I've never seen such a beautiful cathedral until now, and before, I only saw them in books.

Sitting up on the table, I glance down to find myself wearing a long white dress that I don't recall putting on, and my hair is brushed down to my bareback. The cathedral was awfully quiet and I could only hear myself breathe heavily in slight fear. Waking up in this dark cathedral was strange enough. But what made it even stranger was the noises I was hearing. Then, out of nowhere, I see someone hiding behind a pillar from the far end at the entrance.

"Show yourself!" I yelled, and then the person simply stepped away from the pillar.

"You're finally awake..." Just then, it dawned upon me that I was speaking to a gloomy man in black rags. The same man who abducted me.

"What is this place? Why did you bring me here?" my voice shrilled, wanting to ask so many questions but the man chuckled mysteriously. "You're Sina Vogel, yes?"

The fact that he knows who I am made me more curious than fearful. "What do you know about me...?"

"Your adoptive father, Aziel Vogel... I was his disciple. He was also a good friend of mine until you took his life."

I clenched my fists on my sides and sat up firmly. "I did it out of defense when he tried to kill me... or even worse, eat me," I tell him, not wanting to say too much. "Who are you?"

"Lucas." he finally pushed the hood away from his face to reveal himself, giving me a grim look. His short silver hair and beard glistened under the moonlit cathedral and I pointed a finger at him.

"So you're Lucas!" I shouted. "Esma told me everything about you! You have nothing to hide now because I know your intentions!"

"So Esma told you about me?" Lucas raised his brows in surprise, then smirked. "So she's still alive. That bitch took everything from me."

"Serves you right! Your titan cult is nothing but a repetition of growing hostility and violence directed against humanity! Surrender now and no one will get hurt!"

"How adorable." Lucas scoffed at my boldness and took everything that I'd said as a joke. "Do you not realize how valuable you are? The reason why I brought you here is that you have the blood of the titans."

"I am human! Flesh and blood like you. I am mortal and speak the language we all speak. Aziel lied and brainwashed you!"

"Aziel never lied. He was an honest man and I was his faithful student." Lucas defended. "Now that he's gone, I will be in charge of keeping you in this abandoned cathedral."

"And where is this cathedral...?"

"In Wall Rose." he simply answered, "Your comrades will have a hard time searching for you. But do not worry, though. I will do my best to protect you, the savior."

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now