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A week later...

"Levi! They're after us!" Farlan shouted from afar while grappling through the city and as of right now, we are being chased by the military with green cloaks over their heads.

Shit... how did they even track us down!?

Isabel and Farlan are right behind Levi, and since I don't own a 3D maneuver gear, Levi carries me on his back as we soar through the streets at full speed. He lent me his mantle beforehand to hide my appearance and we had to give up our hideout since the military discovered it. Now we have nowhere else to hide and we're stuck in a risky situation. We either flee or hand ourselves to them.

"Just keep moving forward!" Levi ordered and I clung onto him even more since I was afraid to lose my grip. I tried to steal a glance from behind until Levi hollered, "Don't let them see you!"

I hid my face in his neck since he shouted at me and squeezed his shoulders as tightly as possible so I wouldn't slip away.

"Not bad. Looks like they're more serious about catching us today, huh?" Isabel taunts them.

"They should just stick to their real job, like wiping the king's ass instead of chasing after us. Let's just get the hell out of here while we're at it!" Farlan joked, but Levi hesitated.

"No, this doesn't make sense to me." Levi lowered his voice. "The Military Police never takes their work too seriously, and if they can fly like this through a narrow city..."

"Levi," I lean to his ear from behind. "I don't think they're the Military Police..."

"No shit. They're way faster than those shitheads!" Levi says in annoyance, stating the obvious. "And they're starting to piss me off. We can't escape from these half-brained bastards..."

"Then let's beat their ass!" Isabel was pretty serious about it and Farlan stopped her. "If we get caught, they will take our gears from us or even worse."

Levi is not willing to give up his gear, and neither of his friends would want that.

"Our only option is to avoid getting caught." Levi then cursed under his breath. "I saw the crest on their cloaks... so it has to be them."

I come to panic when I hear something cranky from his gear. "Wait... Levi!"

"Shut up and let me think!"

"You're running out of gas!" Farlan finally said it and it was Levi's fault for using up his gas so quickly. We can't stop now, and the military is closing in on us from behind. Without a warning, the gas is no longer running and Levi spins in the air to catch me in his arms as we fall together. At this point, I was afraid to fall to my death because of his recklessness.

"Sina! Levi!" Farlan and Isabel shouted in fear as they watched us fall into a pile of old sacks, but they had to helplessly keep moving.

Luckily, we survived and once I opened my eyes, Levi was groaning in pain since I landed on top of him. I began to feel guilty and tried to help him up. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?"

He puts a hand over his chest with a slight hiss. "Tch. What a pain in the ass. Where the hell is Farlan and Isabel?"

I stare up to see if they'll find us by any chance, but nothing. The moment we lost them, we both grew worried. Or maybe they decided to split up? I climb out of the sacks before him and stand on my feet. "Let's go find them before we—"

In a split second, Levi shoves me to the side to block a strike from a random soldier's steel blade with his pocket knife. My eyes widen in fear when the military squad lands in front of us and their blades jump off of each other, pushing each other back.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now