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My forthcoming performance has become my new beginning to perform overseas, so I rehearse my dance repetitively in a studio until I am satisfied. When it is time to head home, I recall the invitation to the tea shop in town from the man I encountered last week. I regret not learning his name at the moment we first met, and maybe he is still anticipating me to drop by to resume our conversation. Without a second thought, I decided to follow the address on his business card.

Sauntering through the bustling city, I finally arrive at the tea shop and look up at the name, Freedom Tea Co. For some unknown reason, my heart beats a bit rapidly and the familiar odd feeling churns my guts. The same feeling I felt back in the museum. There is something off-putting about this place too.

When I push the glass door open, the bell chimes above me as I step into the shop. I am already enlightened by the faint fragrance of herbal tea swirling in the air and my heart relaxes until I pause. My eyes widen when I spot him. The good-looking man is standing behind the counter brewing tea and I stiffen up when he glances over at my direction.

"I'm glad you decided to stop by." The man welcomes me with a warm smile. "Please, take a seat anywhere you like."

As I scan around his shop, I appear to be the only customer. Slow day it must have been. Since it is past the afternoon, there would be little to no customers around this time to enjoy tea, so I am lucky enough to be the only one for now. I pick a seat by the window facing the street and lay back with an audible sigh after a long day. When I hear him approaching from behind, he gently lays a menu on the table. "You look quite exhausted."

I acted surprised when he witnessed my tiredness and I smiled weakly. "Yes, I have been rehearsing nonstop for my next performance."

"I see." he nods with interest. "Where will it be this time?"

"In Marley," I inform him. "You are free to come to my performance if you like."

He cracks a smile in return at the invitation. "I'll have to see."

"It's alright, no pressure." I then draw my attention back to the menu. "What's the best tea you got here?"

"I recommend the cinnamon orange tea," he suggests right off the bat. "It also tastes best with honey."

"I would like that, please."

"Of course, I will have that ready for you soon." He then walks away with the menu and works behind the counter to brew the tea I ordered. Then I realized how stupid I was. Because I forgot to ask for his name... again. Or maybe I was too shy to commit. What's stopping me?

No longer than ten minutes, the tea was ready when the man walked over with a beautiful porcelain teacup on a small dish. The moment he hands over the tea, my hand steadily reaches out until it collides with his. When that happened, there was an electrifying shock between me and the man.

When the cup of tea shatters on the wooden floor, something awakens inside my head. What I am seeing through my eyes is unknown, but I begin to have a whirlwind of sentiments. Wait, these look like memories. Memories of the past life in this world. From myself? I see walls, titans, soldiers, violence, and war. Then I feel it... horror, pain, and suffering, but along with those overwhelming emotions, there is warmth, happiness, and most significantly... love.

Now my vision is clear. I am sitting in the tea shop left in shock by the realization of it all. When I blink, we find each other utterly shocked. A swarm of questions encompassed our thoughts, leaving us utterly speechless. The man who is standing in front of me this whole time... is the one who declared to find me in the next life. And here we are. He is the man I loved in the past and now... I feel it all over again.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now