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It is the night before the wedding day, and a dinner dance is hosted for the public in the castle as they dress aptly for the event. I am forced to attend despite all the dreadful things I witnessed within a few days... after seeing Viktor and Zaiya killed in front of me.

When the event began, the Military Police announced my arrival as I stepped into the crowded ballroom to hear everybody gasp in admiration, like I stepped out of a fairy tale. I appear in a royal blue gown with silver lining, revealing my slender shoulders, and my hair is down to show my loose waves. Little do they know, underneath the makeup, there is soreness in my eyes and my head aches from endless crying.

I then spot King Fritz at the far end of the room up the stairs, holding a silver cup of amber liquid. He drinks it in one gulp, scrunching his nose slightly at the intense burn of the alcohol, and sets the empty cup onto the platter of the passing maid. His face is flushed, assuming he had three drinks at least. I approach him through the crowd and march up the stairs, but it seems that the king himself has grown tired of my presence.

"What do you want?" King Fritz slurs, then takes another sip and my eyes are searching around the ballroom.

"Where is Marcel?" I suspiciously ask, wondering why Marcel is not present since he usually accompanies the king. King Fritz is letting loose without supervision and I guess Marcel has other important things to attend, but that does not mean he won't appear at any time. I just want to avoid that man at all costs.

When another maid strolls by with a tray of alcohol, I take a glass of wine to be polite, then sip the smooth liquid. Though it was not allowed, I was given the exception. Walking down the steps, I found silver platters filled with all of the food I could ever want to eat. I pluck a grape from a bundle, plopping it into my mouth along with a cube of fine cheese. As I snack away, I enjoy some music when an orchestra hacks away at their instruments, the climax of the piece accelerates as the conductor pushes the musicians onward. Every lovely couple starts dancing together in the middle of the ballroom.

Suddenly, a voice calls out my name from a pillar behind me and I whip my head back to find Freya. I am surprised to see her motioning with her finger, a 'come here' motion if you will, that makes me a little concerned. When I step away from the crowd to make my way to the pillar, Freya has already disappeared into the darkness behind the red curtains. Thinking she is playing a trick on me, my head shakes in disbelief until I hear footsteps from behind and my heart jumps when a strong grip wraps around my wrist.

I catch a sharp breath in when somebody spins my body to pull me in for a tight embrace. When my face is nuzzled up against a warm neck, the scent instantly hits me as I recognize it, and my jaw hangs open in shock. Tears begin to form in my eyes once again... and I want to believe who I think it is.

"I've finally found you..."

That recognizable voice shifts my gloomy atmosphere into a vibrant one as I am reviving in his arms. This all feels like a lucid dream until I push away to find Levi Ackerman.

Nearly speechless, I smile through my tears and Levi is dazed when his silver-blue orbs scan me. To my surprise, Levi is dressed rather formally for this event. He wears a black suit over his dark blue vest and a white dress shirt underneath along with his usual cravat. His matching black trousers were neatly ironed and his shiny black shoes glistened in the evening sun. On top of that, his hair is pushed back, revealing more of his striking complexion.

"What have they done to you, Sina? You look so pale and thin..." Levi whispers with a worrisome look, squeezing his calloused hands on my naked shoulders and I gaze down in embarrassment. He immediately takes it all back when he senses my self-consciousness, and then he lifts my chin. "Listen, Sina. I'm here to get you. And I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long..."

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now