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Two Months Later


Ever since Historia took the throne, I supported her in building an orphanage. Considering that I was from the Underground District, children deserved a better life on the surface. This also brings me back to the time when Sina worked in an orphanage in Wall Rose, but that orphanage is no longer safe due to the disease. All I know is that only a handful survived the disease, and I never heard from those people again. If I don't get an update, my mind won't be able to relax. Perhaps I will never get that closure.

After some time, the orphanage is finally operating and I return to the Survey Corps Headquarters for planning. To retake Wall Maria. In my office, I am catching up on military reports and paperwork when a sound of knocking comes from the door.

"Captain Levi." Sounded like Moblit. "You have a visitor."

My curiosity gets the best of me. Because who wishes to see me at this time? That is when I heave a sigh, wondering when will people leave me alone. "Come in."

When the door creaks open, Moblit steps in first, and when the guest follows up, it appears to be a lady—no, somebody that I have met before. She raises her head and slams a fist on her chest to salute.

"Captain Levi." It is indeed Freya. She is not in her Military Police uniform but is in casual clothes with a long skirt. Her raven hair is also down. Her feature this way reminds me of her older sister, Zaiya.

My jaw hangs open in surprise, then I blink. "Who would've guessed that you'd show up?"

"I planned to see you once I wrapped up some business at hand in the capital," Freya explains. The first time we met was during the attempt to rescue Sina from the royal government. Freya was the one who reached out asking for help and granted me entry to the capital. After learning about Zaiya and Viktor's death from Sina, I notice Freya still has a remorseful look on her complexion.

When Moblit exits the office to leave us two alone, I finally ask. "So what brings you here?"

"Two reasons:" Freya says firmly. "One, I am here to apologize personally... for everything. I'm the reason why you lost your comrades... one of them was my older sister. She was Sina's close friend and Viktor's lover. I ruined everything, so I am here for my punishment... from you and Sina."

She has no idea, so I cut to the chase. "Sina is gone."

Freya's eyes widen in shock, not stomaching my words. "What do you mean by gone?"

My heart stings as I point to the urn on the bookshelf and eventually, Freya covers her mouth with a burst of tears. She believes things ended the way they did because of her. She got in the way of everything and led everyone to their demise. She will never forgive herself. No matter what we do, it's all in the past and won't ever change.

When she walks over to Sina's urn, I raise the question. "And your last reason?"

Freya wipes her tears away, still gazing at Sina. "I would like to join the Survey Corps."

"What?" I say with a stunned expression. "Is this because we shifted your shitty-ass government?"

"No," Freya corrects. "I no longer serve under anyone. Ever since the government changed for the better, the slaves were freed, so I no longer felt the need to be there. I have no purpose working inside the capital anymore, so I want a new path. And that is joining the Survey Corps."

"Of all things, you want to fight titans?" I ask in disbelief, wondering why she is stepping out of her comfort to make a slight difference. "Choosing this path so effortlessly will not do you any good. Do you have any idea what it is like outside the walls?"

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now