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"We'll escape together when the time's right." Viktor's promise and strength inspire hope within me. If luck's on our side, we can outrun the surrounding Military Police officers and Marcel who is next to Freya. She is still mourning for her older sister's departure from this life and my heart also aches for Zaiya now that she is lying in her own blood. Of course, Viktor is masking his devastation. Perhaps, he will mourn for his lover after this catastrophe.

More Military Police officers rush to the hallway to surround us. They came on foot, carrying their guns and we remained still.

"I'm kind of flattered you sent this many officers..." Viktor now turns to Marcel with a slight smirk. "I'm starting to lose my edge here..."

"Then I'm afraid things might get... unpleasant," Marcel says when Viktor resists giving me up by lifting his swords, ready to fight anybody that approaches us.

When the officers pointed their rifles at us, I let out a gasp when Viktor wrapped his strong arm around my waist and grappled us to the ceiling, dodging the flying bullets across the hall. Now that the officers are aiming up, Viktor and I panic until he spots a wide window. "Watch your head!" He shouts at me when firing his grappling hooks to each side of the window and leading us towards it using enough gas power. As I cling onto his body, we tilt our head downward and crash through the window, shattering the glass and I wince at the small cuts around my body.

Now, in midair, I hear bullets zipping through the window and gaze up to find Viktor bleeding from his injured forehead. My body begins to shiver at the cold wind and Viktor holds me close as we zip away from the Military Police, making an effort to escape. At full speed, Viktor skillfully dodges every bullet, and my heart is gradually racing as we are about to reach the gate.

When Viktor disconnects his hooks to aim at the gate, a bullet cuts through his left thigh from behind and my eyes widen in shock when he screams at the excruciating pain. "Fuck!"

Not only that, our luck meets its end the moment his gas cylinder starts hissing, and we start to fall from the air. Despite the pain, Viktor reacts quickly by turning his body upward and holding me tightly to his chest until we crash-land into a wide bush. Since he landed on his back, my body comes to a panic now that he is biting down on his bottom lip and blood continues to gush out of his left leg. "Viktor!"

"I-It's just a flesh wound. I'm fine..." Viktor lies, not wanting me to worry about his injuries. "I shouldn't let myself be a burden to you."

Then, we hear the Military Police officers catching up from behind and I hurriedly pull ourselves out of the bush, slinging his arm around my shoulders to lift him. "We're almost out. Let's go—"

"Sina..." His face is now pale, almost like Zaiya's before her demise and his deep exhale becomes visible in the cold air. "I'm not sure if I can make it back with you... go on without me."

"No! I'm not leaving you here!" I am on the verge of crying again, refusing to give him up now that we are so close to escaping this government. "And Abel... he is waiting for you to come back!"

Viktor is limping against me, dragging his wounded leg as we inch our way to the closed gate and his body gives up, so I fall with him. Escaping from his arm, I sit up to put my hands on his weak body facing down. "Viktor! Please, stay with me!"

"I'm sorry, Abel... But I have to break that promise..." He whispers to himself with hurt in his eyes. My heart jumps when he grabs my wrist and puts something into my hand, glancing down to find a small bronze instrument with a pointer. "This compass... Give it to Abel once you get the hell out of here..." he coughs harshly, and then we hear footsteps coming from the gate that is now opening. "And if you don't, Abel has already informed the Survey Corp to come get you..."

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now