Part 18 Ana: Solitary

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My recent performance had gotten me put into a solitude cell with only a metal bench to sleep on. I was stripped of everything and only given a tank top with shorts to wear. The temperatures plummeted drastically in my cell when it hit nightfall, leaving me curled in fetal position each night.
I wasn't given food. I hadn't showered. I hadn't spoken to anyone since I had been here. My body felt like it was eating itself with the intense waves of hunger that kept overcoming me. It was getting to the point where keeping my eyes open was becoming a hard task.
The air was becoming colder and colder with each passing minute as I prepared my body for another sleepless night. The pain in my stomach worsened and my body was so weak. I felt like I was seeing shadow figures in the corners of my cell or my mind was playing tricks on me. My body shook trying to warm up my core and I could hardly feel my extremities anymore.
I concentrated on the heavy footsteps approaching my cell, unlocking it, and stepping inside. My eyes wouldn't come into focus and remained stiff as my breathing became short and shallow. I was being lifted and forced to stand, but after a few shuffled steps I collapsed onto the ground.
"You wouldn't have lasted another day, little lass." His voice rang in my ears. Merlin seemed concerned but his tone delivered as if I was deserving of everything I was going through.
"I think she's had enough, Merlin." It was Phantom. He sounded as if he was pleading with Merlin to make this stop.
"She attacked a superior, mate. This is a generous punishment." Merlin snapped.
"She gave me a run for my money. I pushed her too far." Phantom sighed. I was writhing on the ground hardly able to breathe while they argued. Phantom bent down and hauled me over his shoulder then took me off to my room.
*          *           *          *          *          *          *          *          *
I woke up in a panic. Bright lights shined in my face and my arms felt like pins and needles. I felt a hand grip my wrist tight but gentle. Phantom was at my bedside staring down at me.
"You're peaceful when you're sleeping." He said running his gloved hand over the backside of my hand.
"What are you doing here?" I coughed. My voice was mostly gone.
"You were in solitude for over a week. I don't know how you survived it." He said brushing off my question. I swallowed hard taking in the scenery of my room. All of my belongings were laid out on the couch and floor. I went to sit up but Phantom's hand gently pushed down on my chest, keeping me in place.
"No, stay down. I don't want you pulling out your IV." He warned. I looked over and saw the needle taped into my arm that was attached to a bag full of clear liquid.
"You can't have actual food yet. You have to go through this and wait before you can have regular food again. I didn't want this to happen. Merlin made me make an example out of you." He sighed. I could tell he was being genuine.
"What I did wasn't right." I said softly. "I'm very sorry lieutenant." I added.
"Honestly sergeant, I deserved it. I wanted to see what would push you over the edge. Another.. test.. if you will." He explained.
"I have no reason to lie. I've always told the truth." I sighed.
"You've proven that. Especially with the mess involving your brother, we just had to be sure. I'm surprised you haven't asked about his whereabouts." He was rambling trying to make conversation.
"Phantom respectfully, I do not care about him. He made his bed and now has to lie in it." I grumbled.
"Does your family know he's still alive?" He asked.
"My family is deceased. You know that. It's in my file." I said abruptly.
"Well, I don't usually check family history unless Merlin points out something concerning. What happened to your parents?" He questioned.
"They died in a house fire while I was based in the Afghan desert. Someone set the house ablaze while they slept with no escape." I was zoning out talking about my past. I never liked to open up this much especially when it came to my parents. Phantom nodded taking in the information.
"I had a fiancé. I had a baby on the way. This line of work got them both killed." He admitted.
All I could do was stare at his masked face. I knew his eyes were full of sorrow behind his glasses and it was shocking to have him open up to me.

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